That doesn’t sound right Mike.
If your heating/elec expenses were 1k you should be getting 30% of that back = 300
Say your Broandband was 200 you should be getting 10% of that back = 20
So that would be 320 on your 1200 expense.
A co-worker put in 2k in for expenses and only got back 30 snots for 180 days wfh. I haven’t received mine yet but imagine it’ll be similar.
Think it’s the other way around. 10% for heat and electric, 30% for broadband
other way around but ya. I got €150 back off much less than €1k
I had my Statement of Liability Monday morning and got my 46 euro this morning.
Ok… Not bad.
Gonna spend it on cans of cider.
Revenue are very good. The only government dept I’ve encountered that works properly
I downloaded the revenue receipt app and uploaded the receipts. It’s syncs my receipts with the tax credits. That might speed up the refund.
Also the refund is based on work days so even in a full year WFH your allowance is scaled down by 250/365
I owe the bastards a few bob. I’ve most of it set aside as I knew it was coming, but I think I’ll hauwld tough on it. Bit of snowflake outrage on twitter will get it cancelled yet. Otherwise I’m thinking it’s an interest free loan and I might be better off with it in my bank than theirs
I’ve no idea how they owe me 46 euro considering I was on the WSS.
Haven’t changed job or anything.
I saw an article yesterday asking for the PUP and TWSS liabilities to be cancelled. A few sob stories on Joe Duffy and that’ll be waived
Your asking the people who’ve suffered the most to cough up more. I might become the Paddy Cosgrave of TWSS cancellation.
I got hit with owing the cunts money a few years back. They took it off my tax credits for the following year
In the context of what the government is borrowing the half a billion they are going to take back seems petty in the extreme.
Might stop them from raising taxes down the like though.
They won’t raise tax but will lob a couple of % onto PRSI maybe. They don’t consider that a tax.
Surely there’s a new WFH tax on the way.
Didnt FG run with eliminating usc in the 2016 GE?
They’ll just change the name of it.
The income levy was abolished. And now is the USC.
Lobbing 11% extra PRSI into the self employed is going to cause some ruckus.