GGA Player Fails Drug test

Sport Ireland Statement

In response to public comment made by the Kerry County Board and in the media, Sport Ireland can confirm that the Irish Sport Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel has sanctioned Mr. Brendan O’Sullivan for the commission of an anti-doping rule violation.

Mr. O’Sullivan, a player with the Kerry Senior Football team, received a period of ineligibility of 21 weeks for testing positive for the stimulant methylhexaneamine (“MHA”). Mr. O’Sullivan was tested on 24th April 2016 after playing as a substitute for Kerry in the National League Final.

He admitted that he had committed an anti-doping rule violation and engaged in a consultation process with Sport Ireland under the Irish Anti-Doping Rules regarding the sanction to be imposed on him. Sport Ireland accepted that it was a contaminated product case, that Mr. O’Sullivan bore no significant fault or negligence and reduced the applicable sanction to 7 months.

Mr. O’Sullivan declined to accept the specified sanction and on 5th January 2017 the matter was referred to the GAA Anti-Doping Committee. The GAA Committee imposed a period of ineligibility of 6 months on Mr. O’Sullivan following a hearing on 13th February 2017.

Mr. O’Sullivan subsequently appealed that decision on 16th March 2017 to the Irish Sport Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel which imposed a period of ineligibility of 21 weeks on Mr. O’Sullivan following a hearing on 30th March 2017.

Mr. O’Sullivan was provisionally suspended from the 13th of May 2016 to the 28th of July 2016, a period of 11 weeks before his provisional suspension was lifted by the Chair of the Disciplinary Panel because the violation was likely to have involved a contaminated product. The remaining 10 weeks of ineligibility commenced on the 26th February 2017, the date of his last participation in the Kerry panel.

The Disciplinary Panel, which is an independent panel of experts from legal, sports administration and medical backgrounds, has indicated that it will give its reasoned decision shortly and this decision will be published by Sport Ireland on receipt in line with standard practice, along with the decision of the GAA Anti-Doping Committee.

Sport Ireland cannot comment on the detail of the decision of the independent Irish Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel until such time as that reasoned decision is received.

Sport Ireland advises athletes there are no guarantees that any supplement is safe (free from prohibited substances). If an athlete chooses to consume a supplement Sport Ireland recommends they seek advice from a sports dietician and follow Sport Ireland’s risk minimisation guidelines.

2016 or 2017?

We’re in 2017 mate.

they should proof read their statement so.

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Oh dear.

Mr. O’Sullivan can breathe easier now that he appears to be free of suspension.

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I hope Brendan can get on with his life after this.

The whole thing is a wheeze

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So he got 21 weeks, which was then reduced to 7 months (28 weeks):confused:, then he got 6 months (24 weeks), then he got 21 weeks again.

Jaysus Kimmage nearly swallowed Marc O Sé whole on the last word earlier. MOS was in full yerra mode. Brendan is just a good honest to goodness young lad he’s only interested in football he might have been a little naive. I sat beside him in a dressing room for a year and I know the kind of young lad he is.

Kimmage went through the equivocating cunt for a short cut in fairness to the weird cunt.


Yeah that was cringe worthy at best.

Kimmage trying to say that GAA players were able to gain financially out of it was a bit of a joke as well though. Going on about appearance fees for opening hotels and the like.

That was a great bit of radio.

Say what you like about Kimmage he’ll stick to his guns and just won’t relent when the mood takes him (which is nearly every day admittedly). He roasted O’Se in that segment, who came across as a gombeen.

“Brendan is a good lad”

“It doesn’t matter!”

Kimmage dropped him when he pointed out that O’Se seemed to know an awful lot about this case despite claiming he only learned about it over the weekend.


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Some fairly reasoned opinions on the whole thing here

Seems he was pretty stupid/unfortunate. No intercounty footballer should take anything without going through the team doctor/nutritionist etc, at this stage.

I’m willing to give him the pass at this stage and wish him all the best for the future.

Good old caffeine, the legal performance enhancing drug.

Yerra apologist.

Sure look it, I know Brendan, he’s a really good lad, a very honest lad, as honesht as the day is long, he comes from a great family, he’d never do anything wrong. His mother Bridie still goes to mass every morning and his father Danno is a retired guard, they’re great people, and this whole thing has been fiersh unfair on them all.

Thish whole thing is an innoshent mishtake.

GAA players would never take drugs.

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I’d like to hear this interview on-line, link it please.