GGA Player Power Part II

The Offaly footballers want their manager out.

This should be good. It was always inevitable that this player power stuff would spread from Cork into Ireland.

Was this on the late news or something Sledge? I didn’t see/read anything about it yet. Yer man Richie Connor was only appointed in September/October so he’s only had an O’Byrne Cup campaign and an opening league defeat against Roscommon. He was one of their great players of the past but it could be a generational thing.

Is he a brother of the great Matt Connor…

It will be in the papers tomorrow.

At the moment it’s in tfk exclusive territory.

I don’t think so Pukester but they would have played on the great Offaly sides together. I’m not aware of them being related but they might be cousins or something. Yer man Richie Connor’s involved in some messy court case about development land profits at the moment - he’s an auctioneer.

think he is a brother and there was also cousins called liam and tomas…they all played for Offaly together and presume walsh island aswell…

Surprised at this. Heard there was other things brewing in Offaly, but didnt see this one coming. Richie would be a straight man, but cant believe there’s conflict already over there. There’s a lot os strange stuff though going on over there as I said, it might out, it might not.

This dude is regarded by my auld fella as being the greatest GAA player ever to kick a ball. Unfortunately confined to a wheelchair after a car crash though.

By the way Puke what on earth are you doing with a picture of Duncan Stewart as your avatar? Surely one of the worst TV presenters to ever try his hand at it?

Connors injury was a shocking loss to the game. I believe he was tossed from the car during the accident, a dodgy door combined with no seat belt was mentioned before to me by my old man.

Matt and Richie are indeed brothers, from the Walsh Island Club in Offaly.

I was talking to an Offally footballer and he was saying that a handfull of players walked away from teh panel last week, and after the Roscommmon game he expects a few more to be marked absent at training tonight.

I heard both McNamees have left the Country.

Ya i think your closer there. I think it was 3 brothers and one cousin. Another family of cousins moved to our parish and those 3 brothers were our best players for a long time.

On the issue itself, do you know any reasons for this wanting rid of the manager sledge?

The problem i see these days is most of IC players are at University, they play with other county players. They hear about training methods and all that and think they are loosing out. The thing is nearly all conditioning training, skills training and teamwork drills come from the same sources, they just get tweaked a bit.

The immaturity of many of these players is the biggest problem, they want immediate fixes.

None of these player power issues are exactly like the Cork situation, and this Offaly is certainly not the II coming of this problem, it’s the 6th or 7th at this stage.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]This dude is regarded by my auld fella as being the greatest GAA player ever to kick a ball. Unfortunately confined to a wheelchair after a car crash though.

By the way Puke what on earth are you doing with a picture of Duncan Stewart as your avatar? Surely one of the worst TV presenters to ever try his hand at it?[/quote]

Watch the old DVD’s and maybe you-tube him farmer. Unbelievable footballer. Very Mikey Sheehy/Maurice Fitz type player. Fitz is my favourite of all time as i believe he done an awful lot of scoring and winning with very average Kerry teams. Connors had alot of very good players around him, but he was still magic.

matt connor was class from any footage I saw…could kick left or right…had great balance and didn’t rely much on speed…thought he was in an accident coming home from his shift in the garda station on christmas day…

Agreed on Fitzgerald. His point versus Dublin down in Thurles that day was the greatest score I ever saw in Gaelic football.

Since Fitzgerald who has there been though? The nearest type of his ilk I have seen is Ciaran McDonald. A superb footballer who can trun a game with a flash of brilliance. Not only that but well able to get down and dirty and pull up his sleeves. We were battering them down in Carrick a few years back after they had a man sent off and McDonald came back into midfield, took the game my the scruff of the neck and dragged them over the line. Seriously stronmg fooker as well.

A bit much to compare him to Fitzgerald but McDonald was a footballer I always rated extremely highly.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Agreed on Fitzgerald. His point versus Dublin down in Thurles that day was the greatest score I ever saw in Gaelic football.

Since Fitzgerald who has there been though? The nearest type of his ilk I have seen is Ciaran McDonald. A superb footballer who can trun a game with a flash of brilliance. Not only that but well able to get down and dirty and pull up his sleeves. We were battering them down in Carrick a few years back after they had a man sent off and McDonald came back into midfield, took the game my the scruff of the neck and dragged them over the line. Seriously stronmg fooker as well.

A bit much to compare him to Fitzgerald but McDonald was a footballer I always rated extremely highly.[/quote]

I loved watching McDonald play, the perfect No.11 in many ways, but his refusal to play a bit more of a structured game cost Mayo IMO. But he’s still behind Gooch, Canavan and Stephan O’ Neill of recent years, and i’d say Michael Meehan already.
As a Corkman i’m getting very worried about David Moran, the skill and speed of his dad with the athleticism and passing ability of Jack O’ Se. I hope those Aussie fuckers come and take him away.:wink:

Moran done the best piece of skill I’ve seen in Croker in manys a year in teh warm up of a game last year. I know, I know, it was only a the warm up, but it astonished me. Kerry were warming up into the Hill end, and I was in the Canal stand. Saw this fella grab a ball on the sideline under the Cusack Stand behind his back, pull it back around his back basketball style, and lash it right over the bar from 45 yards out off the outside of his right foot, Maurice style.

Went straight to be programme to check his number. Had seen a fair bit of him at minor and U21, but that truly astonished me.

I know, it was only a warm up, but fuck it, it was impressive.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]I loved watching McDonald play, the perfect No.11 in many ways, but his refusal to play a bit more of a structured game cost Mayo IMO. But he’s still behind Gooch, Canavan and Stephan O’ Neill of recent years, and i’d say Michael Meehan already.
As a Corkman i’m getting very worried about David Moran, the skill and speed of his dad with the athleticism and passing ability of Jack O’ Se. I hope those Aussie fuckers come and take him away.;)[/quote]

Meehan showed his class last summer in the best individual performance in Croker in the Championship. Up until then though he had been quiet enough on the big stage for me.

Canavan was a genius. If Fitzgerald’s point was the greatest score I have seen I would rank Canavan’s goal versus Kerry in 2005 next. The sheer determiniation to get on the ball from Mulligan, the delay by Mulligan until the perfect time to pop it off to him. And the finish… left foot (supposedly his weakest) placed into the corner where Murphy (who hadn;t conceded a goal in the Championship up to that point) couldn’t get it.

Gooch and O’Neill are fantastic footballers too. Just a pity McDonald never won an All Ireland. In 1997, 2004 and 2006 he actually stood up as best he could while the rest of his team mates choked beside him.

O’Neill’s point on Saturday night was easily the best I’ve ever seen.

it was a fair aul score alright. thing about it too was watching it on TV, you could actually hear the gasps from the crowd of, ‘oh no he fooking didnt!’ and the polite applause after more of disbelief than anything!