GGA Player Power Part II

[quote=ā€œcaoimhaoinā€]Neither did Waterford or Wexford.
Or the little known fact that Kerry players voiced their opinions about Pat Oā€™ Se either.
Now of course Offaly hasnā€™t really gone nasty, which Cork has, so that would be one major difference. also the Cork issue is bigger than just the managment one.[/quote]

Neither did Wexford what?
Trying to compare our players to arseholes in Cork?
Goway ta fuck

[quote=ā€œPikemanā€]Neither did Wexford what?
Trying to compare our players to arseholes in Cork?
Goway ta fuck[/quote]

It was player power no matter what way you look at it. The players were asked. That wouldnā€™t have happened ever till recent years. They also didnā€™t have the balls to talk to Myler himself, at least the Cork lads had that.
Its a different situation in terms of length of time. Plus Myler is a prick and didnā€™t do himself any favours. But ye canā€™t come on going on about players shouldnā€™t have anything to do with picking a manager when thats exactly what happened down there.

Can anyone confirm if the Wexford players asked to have a say in who their new manager should be? ie, did they ask for people to be on the panel picking the manager?

As far as Iā€™m aware they didnt but Iā€™m sure others will confirm. Iā€™d imagine some of the former WIT lads would have been approached to seek their opinions on Bonnar though.

On the sacking, Ger Doyle approached the senior players for their feedback on the season. He did this with both the hurlers and the footballers. He asked the questions and they gave their opinions. David Oā€™Connor released a statement on behalf of these players after Meyler was sacked clarifying the situation.

Meyler being a general tool and coincidentally a Cork man chose to go on the attack without having all the facts to hand and as usual was showed up in the media as being a blubbering fool. Meyler had plenty of passion and did a decent job but his PR skills are a complete mess. Maybe Paul Collins could bring him through a media course or something.

Meyler and Doyle were at fault in the Wexford scenario. The players did everything by the book.

How are you going to ā€œconfirmā€ that? Are there players, CB or John Myler posting on here?

[quote=ā€œMacā€]As far as Iā€™m aware they didnt.

On the sacking, Ger Doyle approached the senior players for their feedback on the season. He did this with both the hurlers and the footballers. He asked the questions and they gave their opinions. David Oā€™Connor released a statement on behalf of these players after Meyler was sacked clarifying the situation.

Meyler being a general tool and coincidentally a Cork man chose to go on the attack without having all the facts to hand and as usual was showed up in the media as being a blubbering fool. Meyler had plenty of passion and did a decent job but his PR skills are a complete mess. Maybe Paul Collins could bring him through a media course or something.

Meyler and Doyle were at fault in the Wexford scenario. The players did everything by the book.[/quote]

But they were asked.
Myler isnā€™t a corkman by the way. We have been unfortunate that he got employment in the local RTC all those years ago. But he ainā€™t from Cork.

Itā€™d be in the press if players were on a committee.

Simple enough really.

[quote=ā€œmyboyblueā€]Itā€™d be in the press if players were on a committee.

Simple enough really.[/quote]

Its in the press that they were asked. That means they were having an influence, that means they had some, however big or small, influence in the decision.

[quote=ā€œcaoimhaoinā€]But they were asked.
Myler isnā€™t a corkman by the way. We have been unfortunate that he got employment in the local RTC all those years ago. But he ainā€™t from Cork.[/quote]

Ah heā€™s lived in Cork most of his life, had a son play for Cork City, was a selector for the Cork Senior Hurling panel and has a Cork accent. Heā€™s as much from Cork as say someone who has parents from Ulster and the South Pacific :stuck_out_tongue:

Well done sir :stuck_out_tongue:

No committee then?

Cork accent? Jesus, you havenā€™t heard many Cork people talking have you.
Sean Og moved as a kid. Myler moved there in his 20ā€™s. He also goes on about his home being Wexford, wheras Sean Og says he was born in Oz, but feels he is from Cork.
Sean Og is a gent and he is an ignoramous. No comparision.

Oh dear Kev, this is really getting to you now lad comparing us to Cork.
Players didnā€™t have the power to get rid of Meyler or to choose who their manager would be. Nor did they want the power. Not even to choose the supplier of their Nutri Grain bars or whatever shite yer lads are atin down there.
To compare us to Cork is the biggest insult you have given to us and I await your apology.

Therefore Meyler is from Cork and Sean Og isnt.

Cork players have said they donā€™t want to pick the manager. They donā€™t trust the process used or the CB (Frank) to pick it. That is the crux of the issue, and if you donā€™t realise that by now then there is no point in continuing on with this.
You potray everything as black and white. Players are wankers, CBā€™s rule etc etc. But its not like that. The CB in Cork should have nothing to do with picking the Senior team manager. One thing above all for this is Frank Murphy. Maybe in your county ye trust yer administrators, but in Cork we donā€™t. Not everywhere is the same.

Administrators or the Human Race in general?

[quote=ā€œPikemanā€]Oh dear Kev, this is really getting to you now lad comparing us to Cork.
Players didnā€™t have the power to get rid of Meyler or to choose who their manager would be. Nor did they want the power. Not even to choose the supplier of their Nutri Grain bars or whatever shite yer lads are atin down there.
To compare us to Cork is the biggest insult you have given to us and I await your apology.[/quote]

When ye have over 100 All-Irelands between the codes iā€™ll start comparing ye to Cork.:wink:

I dont recall championing the County Board.

I dont recall calling the players wankers.

I trust my Administrator because I am part of the process that puts him in place. Sort out your process via the right means.

Perhaps you should step back from the keyboard kev.

Yes Kev, you have won this argument alright by talking about a different topic altogether.