GGA Player Power Part II

Offaly footballers don’t seem to be getting half the abuse the Cork hurlers are getting for doing what amounts to the same thing.

Neither did Waterford or Wexford.
Or the little known fact that Kerry players voiced their opinions about Pat O’ Se either.
Now of course Offaly hasn’t really gone nasty, which Cork has, so that would be one major difference. also the Cork issue is bigger than just the managment one.

How many times have Waterford, Wexford, Offaly, Kerry gone on strike?

Yeah but they all got what they wanted ie the manager quit when he knew he’d lost the dressing room. That’s the only difference really.

Its not a stand-off though, the manager is gone. Also, Offaly not in the top drawer unlike the Cork hurlers.

Not the point buddy, none of those teams went on strike once, let alone 3 times. I dont think anyone really begrudged Cork the first time, I know I didnt.

The 3rd time is a charm though.

That’s irrelevant.

However Cork have had three strikes now - which is way too many.

Just to recap on Wexford, John Meyler had a two-year term, with the option of a 3rd year. He completed his 2nd year when we lost to Waterford in the quarter final last year.

The county chairman requsted to meet with the player reps to ascertain what their thoughts on matters were and whether they would be in favour of Meyler getting a 3rd year at the helm.

The players intimated that their preference was for a managerial change and they did not threaten to strike at any stage.

Ger Doyle susbsequently contacted John Meyler and advised him that his services would not be required having made his assessment. I can only guess that the players’ feelings informed his judgement.

He has history of making decisions without getting the agreement of the clubs or management committee, as evidenced by his decision to relieve Paul Bealin of the senior football manager’s job the previous year.

As a result, Ger Doyle himself bore the brunt of the clubs’ criticism at the next county board meeting. They felt he should have called a meeting of the management committee to discuss matters rather than taking the decision himself without a debate and vote.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]That’s irrelevant.


So having a higher public profile has no connection whatsoever with the amount of public attention a team gets? Keep me posted from imagination land.

The main difference between Cork and Offaly is that Connors has gone in Offaly whereas MacCarthy is still in charge in Cork.

Offaly have no reason to strike now as they have got what they want but it amounts to more or less the same as the Cork situation.

You seem to be brining in another ‘higher public profile’ element to it which I don’t see to be honest. As if the ‘higher public profile’ will help the Cork players get what they want. They haven’t got what they want and probably won’t either. So it hasn’t worked.

I wonder what would have happened if Connors refused to budge. The Offaly players would have probably gone on strike - low public profile or not.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]The main difference between Cork and Offaly is that Connors has gone in Offaly whereas MacCarthy is still in charge in Cork.

Offaly have no reason to strike now as they have got what they want but it amounts to more or less the same as the Cork situation.

You seem to be brining in another ‘higher public profile’ element to it which I don’t see to be honest. As if the ‘higher public profile’ will help the Cork players get what they want. They haven’t got what they want and probably won’t either. So it hasn’t worked.

I wonder what would have happened if Connors refused to budge. The Offaly players would have probably gone on strike - low public profile or not.[/quote]

Well I was just referring to gola’s comment vis a vis the relative level of abuse directed at them. I think its absurd to suggest that one team having a higher profile has nothing to do with more people talking about them. That is all

Fair enough.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Neither did Waterford or Wexford.
Or the little known fact that Kerry players voiced their opinions about Pat O’ Se either.
Now of course Offaly hasn’t really gone nasty, which Cork has, so that would be one major difference. also the Cork issue is bigger than just the managment one.[/quote]

Neither did Wexford what?
Trying to compare our players to arseholes in Cork?
Goway ta fuck

[quote=“Pikeman”]Neither did Wexford what?
Trying to compare our players to arseholes in Cork?
Goway ta fuck[/quote]

It was player power no matter what way you look at it. The players were asked. That wouldn’t have happened ever till recent years. They also didn’t have the balls to talk to Myler himself, at least the Cork lads had that.
Its a different situation in terms of length of time. Plus Myler is a prick and didn’t do himself any favours. But ye can’t come on going on about players shouldn’t have anything to do with picking a manager when thats exactly what happened down there.

Can anyone confirm if the Wexford players asked to have a say in who their new manager should be? ie, did they ask for people to be on the panel picking the manager?

As far as I’m aware they didnt but I’m sure others will confirm. I’d imagine some of the former WIT lads would have been approached to seek their opinions on Bonnar though.

On the sacking, Ger Doyle approached the senior players for their feedback on the season. He did this with both the hurlers and the footballers. He asked the questions and they gave their opinions. David O’Connor released a statement on behalf of these players after Meyler was sacked clarifying the situation.

Meyler being a general tool and coincidentally a Cork man chose to go on the attack without having all the facts to hand and as usual was showed up in the media as being a blubbering fool. Meyler had plenty of passion and did a decent job but his PR skills are a complete mess. Maybe Paul Collins could bring him through a media course or something.

Meyler and Doyle were at fault in the Wexford scenario. The players did everything by the book.

How are you going to “confirm” that? Are there players, CB or John Myler posting on here?

[quote=“Mac”]As far as I’m aware they didnt.

On the sacking, Ger Doyle approached the senior players for their feedback on the season. He did this with both the hurlers and the footballers. He asked the questions and they gave their opinions. David O’Connor released a statement on behalf of these players after Meyler was sacked clarifying the situation.

Meyler being a general tool and coincidentally a Cork man chose to go on the attack without having all the facts to hand and as usual was showed up in the media as being a blubbering fool. Meyler had plenty of passion and did a decent job but his PR skills are a complete mess. Maybe Paul Collins could bring him through a media course or something.

Meyler and Doyle were at fault in the Wexford scenario. The players did everything by the book.[/quote]

But they were asked.
Myler isn’t a corkman by the way. We have been unfortunate that he got employment in the local RTC all those years ago. But he ain’t from Cork.

It’d be in the press if players were on a committee.

Simple enough really.

[quote=“myboyblue”]It’d be in the press if players were on a committee.

Simple enough really.[/quote]

Its in the press that they were asked. That means they were having an influence, that means they had some, however big or small, influence in the decision.