GGA Player Power Part II

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]But they were asked.
Myler isn’t a corkman by the way. We have been unfortunate that he got employment in the local RTC all those years ago. But he ain’t from Cork.[/quote]

Ah he’s lived in Cork most of his life, had a son play for Cork City, was a selector for the Cork Senior Hurling panel and has a Cork accent. He’s as much from Cork as say someone who has parents from Ulster and the South Pacific :stuck_out_tongue:

Well done sir :stuck_out_tongue:

No committee then?

Cork accent? Jesus, you haven’t heard many Cork people talking have you.
Sean Og moved as a kid. Myler moved there in his 20’s. He also goes on about his home being Wexford, wheras Sean Og says he was born in Oz, but feels he is from Cork.
Sean Og is a gent and he is an ignoramous. No comparision.

Oh dear Kev, this is really getting to you now lad comparing us to Cork.
Players didn’t have the power to get rid of Meyler or to choose who their manager would be. Nor did they want the power. Not even to choose the supplier of their Nutri Grain bars or whatever shite yer lads are atin down there.
To compare us to Cork is the biggest insult you have given to us and I await your apology.

Therefore Meyler is from Cork and Sean Og isnt.

Cork players have said they don’t want to pick the manager. They don’t trust the process used or the CB (Frank) to pick it. That is the crux of the issue, and if you don’t realise that by now then there is no point in continuing on with this.
You potray everything as black and white. Players are wankers, CB’s rule etc etc. But its not like that. The CB in Cork should have nothing to do with picking the Senior team manager. One thing above all for this is Frank Murphy. Maybe in your county ye trust yer administrators, but in Cork we don’t. Not everywhere is the same.

Administrators or the Human Race in general?

[quote=“Pikeman”]Oh dear Kev, this is really getting to you now lad comparing us to Cork.
Players didn’t have the power to get rid of Meyler or to choose who their manager would be. Nor did they want the power. Not even to choose the supplier of their Nutri Grain bars or whatever shite yer lads are atin down there.
To compare us to Cork is the biggest insult you have given to us and I await your apology.[/quote]

When ye have over 100 All-Irelands between the codes i’ll start comparing ye to Cork.:wink:

I dont recall championing the County Board.

I dont recall calling the players wankers.

I trust my Administrator because I am part of the process that puts him in place. Sort out your process via the right means.

Perhaps you should step back from the keyboard kev.

Yes Kev, you have won this argument alright by talking about a different topic altogether.

what about all-ireland winners Larry tompkins, Shay fahy,Danny Culloty and former cork hurling captain Mark Mullins from Carlow? Corkmen or not ?..throw in niall geary too…

Christ Kev, call it player power if you like but it’s a completely different scenario to Cork. The county chairman asked to meet with the players to gauge their opinions at the end of Meyler’s 2-year term and went off and made his decision after that. They didn’t initiate the meeting, nor did they strike or threaten to strike, nor did they demand to be part of the selection process for appointing the new manager. A 7-person selection commitee was appointed - the chairman, secretary, two club delegates representing the clubs, the dude from the supporters’ club and John Conran and Skippy Ruther. By the way, the players did indeed speak to Meyler face to face post the Waterford defeat too.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Cork accent? Jesus, you haven’t heard many Cork people talking have you.
Sean Og moved as a kid. Myler moved there in his 20’s. He also goes on about his home being Wexford, wheras Sean Og says he was born in Oz, but feels he is from Cork.
Sean Og is a gent and he is an ignoramous. No comparision.[/quote]

Sean Og is a gent once he’s been paid a few quid to turn up at an event and be a gent. Meyler has spent more time in Cork than Sean g has I’d say, so Meyler would know more about what it feels like to be from Cork. Meyler is now educating young Cork people in the IT whereas Sean g is trying to stop young Cork lads from representing their county.

Id say Caoimhin and yourself wouldnt agree on the day of the week.

The post above is funny enough though.

Stands well back from this grenade

Mark MUllins never won an All-Ireland.

I know all this, but they were asked. I also said it is not like the Cork situation, but i said it is an instance of player power. Thats it.

I know he didn’t…he capatined them in mid 90’s…now answer the question are they corkmen or not?..