Gigs coming up

Might barrel over to War on Drugs in Trinity later if weather stays ok

Hans Zimmer was absolutely amazing 3arena on the 18th. Lisa Gerrard also there. Fantastic show.

Keep an eye out for me.


Thier final tune was fairly special the other night in Glastonbury

Are you drinking pints and popping a few pills at the prodigy at 60?? If so you are an inspiration


Itā€™s a terrible venue. Puts me off going to some gigs.

Ah his set is littered with stuff from the old garda band.


Now yer talkinā€™

And me

Ah, moderation is key. Not with pints thoughā€¦
Grub well and enough sleep is key. And a trusted dealer :smile:

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Youā€™re the dream.

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Fields of Gold is a monstrosity of a yoke.

Some of The Police stuff is really excellent though.

There was a great end of season hurling montage one year with fields of gold though. @Cheasty might recall

Iā€™ve mentioned it here previously. It was a great montage. Itā€™s mad how a great sporting montage can completely colour your view of a song.

I wonder are the band Feeder aware of what this song represents in the minds of tens of millions of obsessive male Irish football supporters who were in their late teens or early 20s in 2002.

A fella I used to work with and would have always thought was a relatively normal square fella is a massive placebo fan. As in fucking massive. He goes away to gigs overseas with other placebo fans, mainly women, leaving his wife and kids at home. Hard to explain how out of character this appears to be when you interact with him on any other matter


What year was the fields of gold one? 99 maybe I think it was cork. The first ones I remember were so macho for hurling and poetry in motion for football in 1986. Tom cashman and Tommy Doyle

Iā€™m kind of regretting getting a ticket to Noel Gallagher now after looking at his setlists, only on stage for 14 songs and an hour and 5 mins most nights

Some rendition of Under the Pressure

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I thought some of the set a bit samey. A lot of Alt Americana. But would I have paid 49.90 just to have heard that rendition of under the pressure. Yes I would.


Just back from Florence and the Machine. She is the bomb. Just a savage performer. And banger tunes all the way. Amazing

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