Gigs coming up

It was actually a great gig, Damon was in good form, Phil Daniels brought it all up a notch, Parklife was epic,
Pity they didnā€™t play country house


What do you mean would have loved them did you not know them 25 years ago? Edit: realized you were talking about the support act. Was wondering how blur passed you by :smiley:

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Looking back at the set list, I have to say that the two new (unknown) songs were real highlights, the narcissist in particular is a superb song, I had listened to it only once beforehand

Russian strings also sounded great,

Itā€™s a little bit funny this feeling inside

Sam Fender in Malahide Castle last night. The kid has it



Placebo at Three last night. I wouldnā€™t have ever been into them but my friend had two tickets as a gift and needed someone to go with him. There was a pre recorded announcement from the singer of the band not to use phones to record the concert, distracts, blocks peopleā€™s view and annoys the band. A reminder from the singer about three songs in. Then next song he stops midsong and says people are still holding up phones recording weā€™re not going to continue until they stop. An amusing standoff then as about three people and one big man in particular continued to record while the singer asked them not to record, crowd eventually got them to put them down. Phones stayed down after that so Iā€™d say it was a win. Anyway they did the show then came out for an encore and did two covers, Depeche modeā€™s shout and running up that hill. They didnā€™t do their two best known songs at all - Nancy boy and every me every you, or special k their one other song I knew. Last song finished with the band twiddling knobs on speakers making some reverb sounds which was pretty shit, then they finished. I thought they were going to come out and do a second encore but that was it, the lights came up. Yeā€™re not a big enough band with a good enough catalogue to not do yer two biggest songs lads. Anyway, Iā€™d give two stars, one for taking the stand on phones.

Blur on Saturday was class.


Blur was deadly alright. Just picked up 2 tickets for florence now. Gonna bring the little lady. Then sting tomorrow with mrs jā€¦ Cos im old.

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Sting will be a great show.

They should do that Bob Dylan thing with the phones being put in pouches if they feel that strongly about it. Personally not being on Instaham I just donā€™t get the need to record these things.

I was at the last Bob Dylan concert where they did that and it was absolute carnage with people in the wrong seats, near ruined the concert for me.

As an aside, was sitting in the wing last night and the sound was just shit. This is a regular problem at the three, if youā€™re far back or at either wing the sound is terrible, and even on the floor you have to be standing in line with one of the speaker banks. I really dislike it as a venue.

Christ - what a pile of wankers.

Is Blondie playing with him?

That would be deadly.

Yep. Cant wait

Week off for gigs and pints as Iā€™ve made the call that as I havenā€™t grown up by my 60th birthday, then I donā€™t have to. Blur last Saturday was just a great gig, end of. Kraftwerk tomorrow in St Johnā€™s Castle in Limerick with Mrs Jones, doors open 7pm so Iā€™d be guessing no support, and a 2 hour performance 8-10? Thursday back to Dublin for The Prodigy in Fairview with 2 pint drinking, pill popping pals, life is goodā€¦


Blondie do a great show. Brought the Mrs down to Cork (sheā€™s a big fan) to the marquee maybe a decade or so ago.

I wouldnā€™t be a fan of Stingā€™s solo output

Happy upcoming big birthday boyo.

PS fuck Naynagh

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Ah, a few months ago but Iā€™m milking itā€¦

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Ah sure why not. Live music is one of the great pleasures of life.

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Music and sport, how would we cope without them?