Gigs coming up

I linked to a decent podcast here recently where he discusses that album track by track.

Just out of Seamus Fogarty in the Workman’s Cellar there. Pretty crap venue but really good gig. Great vibes - a lovely engaging performer with smashing tunes. He was always my favourite of the alt folk brigade.

Mrs Cauli really wanted to go to Pixies as TLM is her fave Pixies album so we picked up a few tickets a few weeks back for it. Debut show for new bassist tomorrow night.


The Smile were very good tonight. Jonny Greenwood has aged incredibly well.


Buzzing for this. Filling the 3 Arena be a big ask though?

They were excellent. Greenwood is on some deal with the divil that keeps him ageless.

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One of these days, one of these days!

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Saw Jonathan Richman last night. A life goal. He was fantastic, loved it. Sadly he did not play roadrunner but he did play summer feeling and Pablo picasso. He’d fair aged looking but had great energy still.

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You’d like to think he was given a pdf of your posts in 2023 in advance and shaped his set list accordingly.

Pixies played 32 songs tonight with barely any breaks.

I’ve always said that I love artists that play that number of songs at gigs.


You lucky git. I’d have loved to have seen him.

Where was he playing?

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Brooklyn. Pretty small venue. He also did a great extended version of I was dancing at the lesbian bar.

Had tickets to that pixies gig but missed it. Love the way they play and rip through songs with no pause, takes people by surprise at first but it’s brilliant when you get in the rhythm of it.


What were the three extra songs tonight? They did 4 extra on Friday (plus a bit of Cactus that was abandoned due to technical difficulties)

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All Dolittle.

Gouge Away, Debaser and Hey.


Oh nice.

They did Wave of Mutilation, Nimrod’s Son, Here Comes Your Man and Caribou on Friday


Unpopular opinion.

I wouldn’t have Hey in my top 30 Pixies song.

Also it was clear last night to me that Trompe Le Monde is not only better than Bossanova but may well be the best Pixies album of all.

My wife has insisted for years its her favourite Pixies record. I think it worked better live than Bossanova. I wouldn’t have thought that a few years ago.

That is a very unpopular opinion.

Hey is unbelievable. Definitely in my top 3 Pixies songs.