Gigs coming up

They will.
Plenty more to come including the full body and soul line up. Which usually has 2 or 3 excellent acts over the weekend when the sheep are at the main stage

Any man who pisses on Stradbally is ok by me.

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Were any of ye at this?

What a fuckin line up


That’s unreal. And the groove stage stuff underneath. Best line up you could ever see.

The EP this year will be all snowflakes crying about Trump .

The Groove Stage on the Sunday, they must have been 3 of the top dance acts in the world at the time.

What year was it?


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Ah here, people are just looking through rose tinted glasses when they say music was better in their day compared to today.

Oh wait…

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Loads of stuff on YouTube from that Feile festival:

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I was there for at least 2 of the days. Friday and Saturday I’d say. Around time of LC results. I’d say it was a fair messy weekend

You roaster.

Tickets for Field Day arrived today.

Must sees for me.

Aphex Twin
Dr John Cooper Clarke
King Sunny Ade
Slow dive

Roots Manuva and Saul Williams, both at the sugar club.

When is Saul’s gig?

Looking forward to unleashing my inner roaster at the sawdoctors in a few weeks.


Sitting behind the sound desk here at Snarky Puppy

Rubberbandits are in Dolans tonight.

Sold out unfortunately.

I’m going to the 3 Arena tonight to see a chap called Bruno Mars. I have no idea what he’s like but Mrs DB thinks it will be very enjoyable