Giving to Charity

Most of tourism industry here is foreign owned but it’s the workers who will feel the pinch. EU has also come down hard on Cambodia over human rights violations and introduced trade sanctions. A wretched period but with adversity comes opportunity.

Lads like @Tassotti and @anon60384913 are minted - they’ll fire you on a ton later.

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Will look after you Tuesday mate (payday) with a small donation. Don’t be embarrassed to send me a PM reminder as I will probably forget


Will be for the Limerick lads alright.

My god mother does a bit work out in Cambodia in some schools. You’ve probably come across her. That’s great stuff Raymond and it’s great to see tfk coming together to give a little bit back.


Number of Posters Who Have Given =13
Total Raised on TFK as of 2/2/20 = €580
Yearly Salary for Cambodian Teacher = €3,500


Well done Raymond. We don’t realise how lucky we have it.

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I’ll get round to it later mate.


Ah here!!

In a working capacity :joy:

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Total amount raised from TFK = €805
Average Cambodian monthly salary = €240
Minimum wage for 40 hour week = €170
Monthly Social Welfare payments for garment workers laid off in Cambodia = $70
Number of hours left = 24


€850 now.


A massive thank you to the 24 posters who contributed €1,225 in funding. It is an extremely tough time for small charities such as ours in Cambodia. The fact that 24 posters have contributed so generously, means a lot to me personally. More importantly it means a lot to the teachers and children we work with here in Cambodia. Perhaps this should also go in the ‘things that are right thread’. It is truly heartwarming. We will work hard to ensure your money has a lasting impact. Ni neart go cur le cheile.


Sorry ray. Forgot all about doing this. You can’t reopen it so I can throw in a few shekels

Pleasure, hope all is well pal.

Half a denarii for my bloody life story?

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Alright then, have a gourd

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What’s the phrase :joy: gas bastards is it :joy::joy: