Giving to Charity

Throw away the key.

€1500 and the Cunt up to her neck in it

What a great little country to rob from.

In fairness to Nolan, for a change, he sounded like he was itching to send her down but the other charges were withdrawn.

Is she up for fraud and theft as well at some stage

Sounds like she isn’t.

There’s a civil case against her by the liquidators but this looks like the extent of the criminal charges

Extraordinary they got away with it for so long.

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Not in this country its not.

Rounded up to a tenner there to give Ronald McDonald 10c. Good deed done for the day


The new machines are the job

I’d stick her in jail till the money was paid back.

Forfeiture is the way to go. If they knew or ought to have known the money was from illegality then the state can seize it

Be interesting to see how destitute she is if the whole lot were put in jail til they paid what they’d stolen.

Is people looking for sponsorship for doing Darkness in Light a thing? Has this going on long?

“I’m getting up early and going for a walk, here’s a link to sponsor me”

Is it that time again? Worse than the key shaking oosh giveaway

I mean, there’s a big difference in setting your alarm a couple of hours earlier and say doing a marathon.

While I have you all here, I’m doing the Rob Burrows Leeds Marathon on Sunday :smiley: in aid of IMNDA and Motor Neurone Disease. If anyone would like to donate just PM me and I’ll send on the link. Thanks lads, TFK has always been very good for those of us who fundraise.


Fire on the link there given you’re making this all about yourself :smirk:


Always been the way from my memory. Seeing a few people starting to poke holes in Pieta highlighting the CEO is on 2500 per week while the counsellors get 20 quid of the 100 quid that the govt ‘pays Pieta’ for the service. So every 100 walkers are paying the CEO’s weekly wage. The FB comments are hotting up already and its only Tuesday