Going to the Dentist

Wisdom teeth are a different story altogether, no harm in losing a back tooth.

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Yeah even if everyone is booked up just tell them you’ll go on the cancellation list. You’ll be rang within a few days. @peddlerscross


Good stuff.

I’m a complete novice at this craic and haven’t been to a dentist since Primary School.

I was blaming myself for having a rotten tooth but looks like a common enough issue.

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It’s common enough amongst lads who haven’t been to the dentist in over 20 years alright.


The last time I got a toothache I sucked cloves and it worked quite well in reducing discomfort.


Cc @peddlerscross

Fennel tea.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen alternating every 4 hours, max dose

Everything else is all horse shit

Clove oil is more effective when dealing with toothache

I was prescribed painkillers when i got dry socket from wisdom tooth extraction, not clove oil. Heavy and regular pain killers

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If the tooth is gone we’ve got a different situation I suppose

You get a check up and polish for €15 off the prsi per year. Once you get it fixed avail of it. I was in a similar situation a few years back, a few fillkmgs that laya covered.

Ring around, its near on impossible to get a dentist this time of year, hopefully isnt a pain in the hole

I get Decare dental through work & then i send the reciept off to VHI too. A filling recently cost me about 15 quid.

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A lad in his 20s or 30s never having heard of a wisdom tooth. And he from Tipp. There’s surely a one liner there for the taking. I’ll leave it to @Julio_Geordio or @TreatyStones to close it out

I got a belt of a hurley about 25 years ago which knocked out one of my front teeth. The dentist splinted it in within the hour in a procedure that wouldn’t pass muster nowadays I’m sure.

About 15 years in it had started to discolour so I got a veneer.

5 years on my dentist told me it would have to go… Could come out at any moment and wasn’t secure. I needed an implant. Roll on about 15 dentist visits, a 3 year spell wearing a denture and a bone graft which involved bone being pared from my jaw and embedded in my gum and I will be the proud owner of an implant next Monday.

6 grand lighter all in I’d say


That’s horrific. What was the need for the bone graft? Could they not just put a screw into the jaw?

Wasn’t enough bone there so needed to be bolstered. I suppose there had been no root on that tooth for so long the bone was gone

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Fuck sake, and you pleading the poor mouth to others about not having money

If near CUH u cannwalk into the dentist hospital
May get looked at
My 2 friends did anyway

He lives somewhere between Nenagh and the greasy spoon in Heuston Station

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