Golf Thread

Suits Brady so


The auld lad is friends with a fella who is a member of Tralee golf club. I know fuck all about it, but apparently it’s one of the best in the country if not the World.
Anyway the curtain twitchers have got to them and it’s members within 5k only, tralee golf club is in the middle of no where and most of the 5k is sea and sand dunes. So there’s 50 lads within the area and they basically have the course to themselves for the next few months. I’d imagine that’s an absolute dream for a golfer. Whenever you want, twice a day if you wanted, you can play one of the best courses in the world with no one else on it

Two quality QBs on tv here. Peyton and russ.

The… I know you are but what am I … Defence :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It’s OK chief, we all know exactly what you are :kissing_heart:

What a shot by Brady.

Some shot

I just turned this on, Brady has been immense.

And totally outplayed by Peyton, yet again

Some shot from manning

Ah lads.

Peyton can have the golf, Brady owned him in the sport that matters.

Bradys a checkdown bitch

That’s enough of NFL talk now.


Up at 6.30… Signing out.

Tiger not giving putts now. :joy:

He’s some boy

Show them milk cartons who’s boss

Night hun

Tiger will throw this to get it a/s going up 18th