Golf Thread

I know that. Are lads in Cork that upset over discovering the existence of a bollix in Cahir? :man_shrugging:

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No they were upset the club told them they couldn’t play. They wouldn’t take bookings for lads from mitchelstown but fellas were coming from all over tipp

Gas. Ye are a fair bit from Mitchelstown to be getting upset on their behalf

One of our crew is below in Mitchelstown.

Ah right, ye are upset for him

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Nobody’s upset. We’ve decided to take our business elsewhere because the golf club decided to shaft some distance members.

One or two of the boys who got their regs taken were a bit peeved alright

Club didn’t have much choice really based on the bollix causing trouble

Ah they did.

Fota have said since day one that their members are adults and they would not be policing distance. If a fella wants to take the chance and they allow it for some but not others?

I suppose lads were bulling for golf and had been looking forward to it so much to then be told they couldn’t was a kick in the mebs

If those regs go any further than into that lad’s notebook consider me flabbergasted

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Ah I know that.

One of them is having an awful time of it. Can’t play Cahir and got banned for 12 months at the road bowling as someone took a snap of him and three others and ratted

I’d say he’s seeing ghosts everywhere

Road bowling has suspensions? Things I learned today thread

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: He must be an awful bollix they have been waiting in the long grass for him

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From official competitions yeah. He can bowl a score away. He makes a few bob at the big scores though. The poor cunt rang me today half depressed

He’s probably a bandit at the golf as well :joy:

An absolute bandit, cruising away at 8. Best hands I’ve ever seen chipping and putting.

4 of them got done coming back playing doubles. I’d say it was a fella that lost a few bob.

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My club operated on a nod and a wink basis during the whole covid thing. It is 5km out of town so not many would have made the cut to play during phase 1. Some clubs have charged members a nominal fee of €5 per round upon booking on BRS, others have really policed the 5km. I know in Cahir they were looking for €650 (fully annual subs) for new members even though we are half way through the year. Same course will have back 9 closed for much of winter. Same fella rang my course and got rest of the year for just under half price.

Clonmel is a well run golf course and is incredible value for money at €175 for distance membership. Couple of fellas I work with in Cork have signed up. They are a bit cash strapped so have put a voluntary contribution box on first tee box. It’s the right way to do it.


They only close the 9 when it gets real bad. Some days you could have 12, other 14, depending on how high the river is. You never get 18 in the winter

@Raylan have you played Woodstock, is it any good.

It’s grand, few nice holes in it, I’d enjoy it more than Ennis anyway. Supposed to be very busy since lockdown lifted