Golf Thread

Hope you put a bit of money into Irish sport going forward now you can’t travel to British sporting events.

I thought you played nearly every day mate?

Shook off the substantial cobwebs yesterday. Played 15 holes.

Front nine very patchy, drove it okay but irons were poor and putting average again.
Back nine was good, bogeys & a double. Much better fare.

Looking forward to next weekend.


I’m not normal

Decent showing again today despite little to no sleep last night. Had 2 birdies and 7 pars. 13 and 14 are my nemesis on the back 9 but I managed to bogey both. Only 1 scratch and no lost balls. Wasnt far off 40 points and left a few behind me. 50 to 60 yards remain a problem. And any delicate chips over a bunker to a tight pin position seem to be a big problem. Lost all faith in the chipping after first few holes and just went with the putter wherever possible and it worked a treat. Not something I want to become dependent on. I need to improve my touch around the green. But all other facets of the game are good. I can make adjustments for just about everything mid round except for the chipping.


The chipping yips are a cunt. This is simple but can clear the head

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I propose a ban on youtube tips. They can give you head worms

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Some lads can’t be taught

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No surprise you’re against free speech

Ok mate. It was a joke. I won’t spoil the golf thread rowing with you. This is a happy club house

I struggle massively with a lower flighted chip into greens. I end up duffing them or topping the cunt. Something I need to work on at home.

I bought a Lob wedge and find flopping them into greens works much better too, I can open the shoulders so to speak. On hard greens it’s not much use to get very close though.

I’m only winding you up. Great finish ahead on the PGA tour get on board guys

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Cracker of a Leaderboard.

Yea that’s exactly what I have. In 1 word - the yips. Must give that video a watch. I’d take any advice at the moment. It can vary from burying the leading edge and the ball landing 3 feet in front of me or blading the ball through the green and into a bunker. I need a good hour on a practice green somewhere.

There’s a lot to be said for getting very familiar with one club and trusting it. And also what you write suggests you are more aggressive with the lob wedge. Accelerating slightly into it is key with chips. If you think you’ve too much club or swing you’ll subconsciously slow down and then chunk city


It happens to scratch golfers. Affects me at time and it’s purely a mental thing. The fear of blades or chunks is tightening you muscles,so much you don’t notice but enough to affect the leading edge

Flopping will only get you so far and you have to be 100% committed to the shot and have the ability to pull it off. For low chips into the green, say you’re 10/20 yards short of the green and want to run it on up there, don’t be afraid to use a club like the 7 iron. Approach the shot like a long putt and put your hands slightly forward. But practice x 3 the shit out of shots like that.


I would use a 5 iron off the green sides but it is all lie dependant tbh. It works well obviously when a ball is sitting up but otherwise very tricky and a poor outcome is disastrous.

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Yeah I always take 2 or 3 practice swings and the actual shot never remotely resembles the practice swing. I tell myself not to scoop it or decelerate but a lot of the time I do. It’s definitely gripping too tightly. Before I used hit the 2 practice swings and then the actual shot a split second later so as the action will be consistent and it can work. Probably over thinking it. I use a vokey 52 degree for a lot of chips. It has little to no bounce. Maybe that is not helping.

I’m a fella that struggled with mechanics of the game for a long time. Any time I went for a lesson it set me back months and I had to learn all over again. As Locke said I’m one of those lads that’s uninstructable. I just simply cant do body mechanics.
A fella recommended me this book and it’s really good if you don’t do body positions etc.

Takes all the focus off the body and onto the club and the target. You don’t have to worry about positions

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