Golf Thread

Loads of lads say bring the club back 3/4 swing or so and let the weight of the club do the work.
When it works well great, but you need to do it all well. Swing and release, keep head down, etc.

It’s a practice thing really, personally I’ve always struggled chipping off tight lies but it’s slowly improving.

I need to do more at home really.

All about the 7 iron…

Lads pitching or sand wedge off the fairway from 100 yards in? Was out today and duffed a few of these with the sand wedge after hitting some lovely ones in the last few weeks. My playing partner observed that a sand wedge is less forgiving. I don’t know I’m an 18 handicapper like.

The best chipper I’ve ever seen closes the club face off tight lies and boxes down into the back of the ball. He can spin it like mad. I’ve never seen anyone else do it.

Pitching wedge with 3/4 swing probably a better option. Get that right and then you can start firing full swing Sand Wedges at greens from the clouds. Personally hate the club too, can never get the distance out of it.

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All in the wrists too. When you watch the pros and they belt it a mile without what looks like too much effort, the wrist work is where they get the added power. I wouldn’t have a fast swing but I put my wrists through a shot for the low irons through to the lumber

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We’d be similar length shots but you’re more accurate cos you swing with more control

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Yeah I used tend to flight the chips a bit too much but I’d give anything to be able to hit an old fashioned bump and run. Maybe you touched on something with the 5 iron. Nick Faldo used to use it quite a bit and if you use a putting motion with it it should be straight forward in theory. Using the weight of the club to chip is something I see a lot of the more accomplished players do rather than getting wristy with it. You’d want plenty of practice and confidence to pull them off. There is nothing more frustrating on a par 5 after hitting a good drive and approach and your left with a short chip and next thing you’re trying to save par.

I use a 54 vokey for most shots unless I’ve nothing to work with I’ll chance my 62 but it’s risky. If I’ve aload of green I’ll go as far as 9 iron. As you know the mental aspect and effect on muscles is huge, gripping too tight swinging too fast etc. But plenty of time for correction on a full swing,not on a chip swing

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Ever try a hybrid or 3 wood. Guaranteed solid contact but you need to practice a bit

I can get it fairly out there. I always reckoned the power comes from my shoulder turn and glutes. But I agree the best strikes are always when my wrists break across my body on the follow though.

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A short back swing and a zip of acceleration is the key to chipping. When I’m uncommitted to a chip I get long and slow and don’t turn through. The result is duff’s or butter knifes. It absolutely fucks the confidence until you can get the punchy zip back into it

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Never tried them. I have a fairway wood in the bag. I saw De Chambeau and Woodland attempting something similar in the last few days. You’d want a fair bit of practice with them.

The key I think is swing path if I can take it back straight “along the wall” not around and rotate to the left thru impact I can usually make solid contact

Gary player had a great image for chipping. He said to swing the bounce of the wedge as if you were striking a match off the ground.


Which player do ye think has the nicest swing? Can be from any era

Elk for me.

That tempo :heart_eyes:

Not this

My knees :crazy_face:

Look at this lad. If you saw him ina society you’d say he was a mid handicapper.

He’ll end up like John Daly if hes not careful. That swing is not built for longevity. 5 protein shakes a day is what hes on at the moment.

The force into the left knee and ankle is incredible. If he didnt clear the foot I’d say his knee would explode.

He looks very unbalanced forcing that speed. Like Rory is faster but waaaaaaay smoother