Good Books

What are you looking for, I’ve listened to hundreds now, mostly if it’s a good book it’ll work as an audio book,
But often your head isn’t fully engaged with audio books so nothing too heavy I find

yeah this is the point, listened to David goggins book of late but might try something different this time around

An excellent book. Listened to the audio version and really enjoyed it.

‘Dallow, Spicer, Pinkie, Cubitt’

Just started this.


This is a grand read. Probably the most readable of the Inspector Quirke books. Read this before the Lock Up


I’m really enjoying ‘The bee sting’ at the moment
The new book from Paul Murray of ‘skippy dies’ fame


I’ve started this after the mention in here. Finding it hard to get into it. Not exactly riveting so far. Reads more like a bland history book.

I’ll have to pick it up. I loved Skippy Dies.

I just finished White City by Kevin Power. I enjoyed it. Riffing on the theme of privilege again

Its on the booker short list. Looking forward to it. Skippy dies was tremendous.

I am working my way through the Michael Lewis cannon (he of moneyball fame). I love all his stuff.

He takes what sound like really boring topics and makes them really interesting. The last two I read were the 5th risk. Which basically is he asked someone what are the 5 greatest risks to the USA. And after like nuclear war, natural disaster etc, he said bad project management.

Then it just goes into what an absolute shit show the US government is and the dangers of having Trump coming in and having no fucking clue what he was doing. Sounds boring, but it’s fascinating.

Second one was the premonition, and is basically a follow on from the other. He just explores the reaction to COVID or non reaction to COVID as the case may be. And why the US government being a cluster fuck made resolving issues way harder.

I wouldn’t start with those if you haven’t read any of his stuff.

Moneyball obviously is a good entry point. Or the big short. Which is just a mental book.
One of the less well known ones that I thought was brilliant was the undoing project.

His first book Liars Poker was about his time at Solomon Brothers and isn’t really much like the other ones. But it is absolutely class. The shit they got up to in those days.

Flash Boys and the New New Thing are interesting reads too.

I actually haven’t read the blindside yet.

Anyway. Big recommend for Liars Poker for anyone who hasn’t read it.


He’s done plenty of pieces for Vanity Fair - few of the articles have been incorporated into the books you mentioned

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I really enjoyed the parts where the Jackal was featured, the rest of the cast not so much

His books are generally worth reading. I don’t think he ever bettered Liars Poker. It was a great time for books about Wall Street, Barbarians at the Gate and Inside Out spring to mind. There were also some great real life villains like Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky.

I’d say everyone working in professional services and finance at the time read Liars Poker. After that the quality of product was variable. Moneyball and the Big Short were very good. The New New Thing was poor enough and the Fifth Risk was somewhere in the middle.

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The undoing project is one of his better recent efforts

Spotted this on the parents coffee table earlier. Is it worth robbing?

Yes it very much is. Every line is a pleasure.
Willy Vlautin is really good.

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Is he the lad that was sun bathing nude in the back garden?


Lift it! A great buke.

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Yes, all of his books are, he’s fantastic.

Ya I read the one which was set on a boat and remember it being a very good read.