Good Books

Abe books or Awesome books I use. I usually buy second hand. eBay is another.

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Try this place, they have a huge selection, second hand books are in perfect condition, most are 2.50


£20 for this lot arrived today


I would add that smaller run or authors I tend to buy new so they get the royalties. Bigger established authors it just seems a terrible waste of paper.


That site’s brilliant. Thanks. Free delivery for €20’s worth is brilliant.
They have most of what I want too.


The force is a great book

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It’s great, my wife uses it all the time, he’ll throw in a free book that he thinks you’d like as well

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Just finished Lessons by Ian McEwan. Takes a while to get going but a brilliant book. He is a master of telling the stories of normal lives and making them compelling.

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Anyone read Caoimhin DeBarra’s gaelige? Any good?

Thanks for this brilliant recommendation.

Just finished it. What a fucking book!


Jesus, Prophet Song is tough going. It’s like the author took similes and metaphors and said to himself “How much of this can I cram into one book”?


It’s a crock of shit.

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I’d agree. A bit longer than it had to be but a great book and Demon is one of the great modern literary characters.

I genuinely think it’s a case of the emperor has no clothes. It’s well written but beyond that it’s extremely weak.

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The point was made above by another poster but the lack of paragraphs make it a pain in the arse too. You put it down for a few minutes and trying to find where you left off becomes very irritating

I thought it was a great book, tough going at times and I felt like quitting on it sometimes but very powerful.

That was me I think. Unnecessary.

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There was no support for the premise of the book. I think that foundation has to be there. There was a lot of praise along the lines of it being an important book. I think without the groundwork on what led to the situation in the book, how did we get to here, what were the warning signs, there are no lessons to draw from it. I thought it was poorly researched. If the aim is to enhance empathy for refugees or persecuted people elsewhere then write about those settings and humanise those people. And the lack of paragraphs was annoying.