Good Books

Was just about to mention it. I want to read that Montana book now.

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Kevin Barry: ‘I didn’t publish a book till I was 37. I thought I must have been an awful f*cking waster’

I finished Night Boat to Tangier last week.

An excellent novel.

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Catching up on lots of old posts here.

I don’t like any Sebastian Barry. Or Joseph O’Connor. I find them twee.

I thought Kala was ok but got worse as it went along.

I thought the Bee Sting was particularly bad. I couldn’t see any merit in it at all. I thought it was full of contradictions and ill thought out passages.

I haven’t enjoyed Donal Ryan.

I’d worry I don’t like contemporary Irish writers except I have loved all of Kevin Barry’s books. Hadn’t even realised he has a new one out.

And I need to read Colin Barrett’s novel because I thought his short stories were excellent.

And Godwin by Joseph O’Neill looks very good. Netherland might be my favourite novel.

I’m gradually working my way through the Patrick O’Brian Aubrey/Maturin series (of Master and Commander fame). Take a little bit to get into his writing style but then they are so rewarding.

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Kevin Barry has a mad looking head on him.

I love Sebastian Barry and Joseph O’Connor but I enjoy your completely contrary opinion. I’ve only read one Donal Ryan book and didn’t like it either.

The problem with most of you lads is you want to be wowed. Not an original thought amongst you…You can see it with most of the posters here crowing on about substandard books and how it touched them in ways they never thought possible :smiley:

Who told you to say that?

I found Master and Commander hard going

Would you ever read a book written by a woman @Rocko

The film or the book?

The book. Was recommended to me. Maybe I’ll revisit it

I wouldn’t bother with the Colin Barrett novel, like Kevin Barry he’s a short story writer

I would say that A long long way from Barry is unmissable
Star of the sea and Redemption falls are the pick of the Joe O’Connor books

Agree completely on kala, it was shaping up to be a really good book but by the end I was completely fed up of it

I thought the bee sting was alright but at least double the length it needed to be

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I picked up Star of the Sea in the Vincent de Paul shop for €1 last week. Looking forward to reading it.


Which one of the two lads do you think is @Corksfinedtboy ?


Yeah, it’s definitely a particular style of prose that takes a bit of getting used to so I could see why some wouldn’t like it.

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I really struggled to get into Kevin Barry…might give it another go based on the recommendations here

Stick with his short stories to begin with anyway, three superb collections

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