Good Books


Maurice all day long.


What I liked about Tangiers is that it is unconventional from the point of view of the standard way the story should have gone yet still says a lot in the path it does take.


That’s a fair point. I should broaden my horizons more.

Yes unleash your feminine side. You won’t regret it.


I remember thinking at the time that the section that was based in a bar / club in Cork was unreal.

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Was this the piece told from another narrator and mentioning the two lads?

I can’t remember the specifics now. But it was the two lads drinking together in some sort of sheeben / Private club. Someone may have got stabbed.

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That’s the one I was thinking about.

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@glenshane i finished Vodolazkin’s ‘Laurus’ last week, thanks :+1:. it was good but the translation felt a bit off in parts. It’s very Dostoyevsky-esque … Tho the type of spirituality that permeates the book is of a much older variety than Dostoyevsky’s existentialism… It’s almost pagan/monastic.

I’m starting into The Wind-up Bird Chronicles by
Murakami Haruki now… A Japanese book based on a lot of random dream like scenarios but is really an examination of choices in life and doing the right thing.

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:imp: s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Whats the best one to start with? I never read at all anymore but read slanting of the sun on holidays based on your recommendation and enjoyed it. Yer one working as the care assistant :grimacing::hushed:

Start from the start I suppose and track his progression as a writer
There are little kingdoms is first

But any you can get your hands on really

Try Clare Keegan. She’s v good

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I have been meaning to and shall do.

I am about to start Small Things Like These. I’ll file a report with the forum when I am finished.

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@Fagan_ODowd did you ever read Max Hastings book about the Vietnam War? Saw it in a bookshop recently and was tempted.

Yes it’s brilliant. Have it here in the house and marked as a book I’ll read a second time.


Or JK Rowling

Finished Long Island there by Colm Toibin. Follow up to Brooklyn. Hadn’t read Brooklyn but Long Island is a nice book.


Nearly finished it now as well,
I’d say it’s no Brooklyn but it’s very readable