Good Fillums

i watched the first 40 minutes last night before going to bed, the scene with the bear was very uncomfortable, I was squiming in the bed, going to finish it today

the Revenant is probably one of the greatest films of all time

The revenant is fucking shit that di caprio cunt crawling in the snow grunting for three hours fuck off

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Watched Room last night. That kid is one annoying little prick. 5/10.

Should I watch it mate? I want to but fuck everything I hear about it makes me think I should give it a miss.

Watched Trumbo this week. It’s good, Cranston is very good, Helen Mirren is suitably evil in it. John Goodman’s hilarious. But overly, overly long, could have easily taken half an hour off it.

‘Carol’ and ‘Room’ have returned some of my belief that film-makers can still make commercially and critically successful movies.

‘The Big Short’ is well worth watching as well. Going to try and check out ‘Spotlight’ this weekend.

Don’t bother mate, a cynical fucker like you will hate it.

That hurt mate

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‘Dogtooth’ is most definitely a stone cold classic.

Cinema is gone to shite

That new film…

Secret In Their Eyes

out now is worth a look. It’s a remake of the even better…

The Secret In Their Eyes

Either or both worth a look.

Are you made of stone you cunt. Its a great film.

Dead pool is dog shit.

My all American is the greatest movie ever made.

First negative ive heard so far… I will go to see it over the weekend.

You need to watch My all American. It’s unbelievable.

Il IMdb it there see what the story is pal.