Good Fillums

Might be one for the confessions thread pal, but better late than never. It’s one of those movies I could watch again and again. Jeff Bridges gave a masterclass in it.


Have you seen My Cousin Vinny?

Not since he went to Australia.



Teege could use you in the backroom for light relief. :grin:

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We already have one Kilmallock joker there.

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Watched both Steve Jobs and Spotlight during the week. Was left rather unfulfilled by both. I expected more given the critical acclaim both got.

I know very little about Steve Jobs aside from the fact that he was the head of Apple and died in the past few years before watching this. Fassbender was excellent in the lead role and Jobs comes across as a cunt and a complete sociopath in the movie.

Spotlight was well made but maybe I expected more in terms of the dialogue, characters and plot. It is watchable but far from a classic. The story is powerful but the pace is rather slow, granted this is deliberate to show how investigative journalist works but I found it a bit of a slog. I would consider Zodiac which had a similar style pace and feel to it a far superior film

Is your bird a tan bitch, mate? I noted you were holed up last weekend watching shit movies together when there was a plethora of heartwarming and spine tingling centenary events taking place.

No, pal and if you ever refer to her as a bitch again I will puck the head off you


Correct, he was. If you’re into reading, and particularly autobiography type stuff i’d highly recommend the book about Jobs. It’s unreal, unbelievable. I enjoyed the film more for having read the book and knew all about Jobs and his little idiosyncrasies and hang ups which Fassbender pulled off excellently. Had you known the bare minimum about Jobs i don’t see how you’d enjoy the film as much.

Yes Spotlight is far from a classic and it was a bad year that had it in contention for best picture at the Oscars. I like anything to do with Boston and that’s disparaging towards the church and liked all the cast so i enjoyed it more than it was worth for sure.

I’m thinking of watching Knock Knock later, it’s an erotic horror-thriller starring Keanu Reeves. It’s after coming into Sky movies.

Is that the one where the trailer has him having a threesome? Looks deadly.


Did bandage meet pukes bird?

Yeah it is. It’s “erotic” apparently. That’ll do.

Eye in the Sky looks unreal

Watching ‘Ip Man’. A Chinese martial arts film from 2008 on Netflix. Top drawer slaps on display form the lads. Best martial art flick I’ve seen in a long time. He’s after knocking seven shades of shit out of 10 jappos there now. H’unreal.

Saw it the other day. Dame Mirren is very good in it

A wonderful actress

Anything on showbox or similar worth watching at the minute?

Have you seen Room, pal?

I have… princess wanted to see it and I thought it would be shite… I enjoyed it tho. V good.