Good Fillums

Just back from the iron claw. Good movie and bit of a mad story.
Wrestling is full of fucked of people

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Marathon Man is better.

is it safe marathon man GIF

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Eastern Promises on after MOTD.

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Watched the Molly Maguires recently. Interesting fillum, good performances from some all time greats in Harris and Connery. Also confirmed my suspicion that Welsh people are cunts.


Jimmy Saville was a wrestler

Teens and morals

Just watched it. Very good. Zac Effron excellent. Crazy family story.

Went to see the original Hairspray in the IFI tonight. The one with Divine and Debbie Harry from 1988. Jaysus a great movie. Really cheered me up.

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Must look dated by now?

It did but it didn’t take from it. Tough times back then.

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Went to The Iron Claw this evening.

Really good. Recommended.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Mutant Mayhem


Its class. Zac effron was excellent in it.

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Watched All of Us Strangers last night. A really, really brilliant filum. Mescal is great, but Andrew Scott is remarkable. It’s hard going at times and I’m not ashamed to say I shed a tear or two.


Past Lives is a decent watch. A good one in the “watch with the Mrs” category.

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I’m hoping to get this watched this week.
French and German…

Anatomy of a Fall.

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“Return to Seoul” also falls into this category. Two films primarily in Korean. Both films exploring identity, etc.

I want to go to Korea now.

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I’ve worked down in Borneo a few times with people from all across that region. They said that south Korea is the best place to go and visit, that it’s absolutely mighty.


Horrendously sad story.

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