Good Fillums

Will probably try to watch both. Both look good based on the trailers.

Layer Cake is most enjoyable


I often classed it as wildly overrated but I’m giving Apocalypse Now a second go tonight and I think I’m starting to appreciate it


Brave man.

I think I turned it off near the descending end. And have never revisited.

It’s very good. Very powerful. Unreal soundtrack


I’ve only ever watched it once. The Redux version at an old one screen cinema in Canada in 2001. Think it was around four hours long :grinning:

It’s my favorite Vietnam film. The pure mayhem captured it better than any other supposedly. Born on the fourth of July pulls no punches too in fairness.

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The soundtrack is great. I got a copy of it in Paris years ago that has all the music and long stretches of key dialogue. Most unusual and all you’d want really.

The making of the film - Hearts of Darkness is nearly as good as the film itself.

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In The Land of Saints and Sinners is one of the greatest Irish movies ever made.

Brilliant. Neeson carries the role brilliantly, carrying all his weariness and putting it to good use. Excellent supporting cast too. Good to see Jack Gleeson back at it again too, almost if recognisable from Joffrey.

As good an Irish movie as I’ve seen since I Went Down.


Jack Gleeson is superb in it. As is Neeson but Gleeson is almost unrecognisable from the GoT days

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Alien Romulus is enjoyable if very much an homage to first movie so there’s little orginal to it.

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Very good flick i watched called Didi. Real coming of age movie, decent

Nothing will ever stack up to the original Alien.A absolute masterpiece.


Except the sequel which surpassed it.


The sequel was great but not as good as the original

Godfather 2, Terminator 2 & Aliens all built on the greatness of the originals and in each case were just about better. All three had absolute disasters of third installments mind(Ive a soft spot for the Alien 3 assembly cut though)


It’s a matter of taste I suppose and they’re hard to separate.

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Cameron was years ahead in giving believable female characters that could kick the bollox off you and were likeable. Unlike the forced shite the likes of that travesty of a Ghostbusters remake. Vasquez :muscle: :clap: