Good Fillums

Had you never seen a Vietnam movie before.

Sure we all know Cameron used the idea of a strong military with superior firepower and technology getting destroyed but it’s a sci fi action movie at the end of the day, if I want a proper actual Vietnam experience il throw on Apocalypse now or Hamburger hill.

I watched un metier serieux on the plane and really enjoyed it. About teachers in a french school.
Also enjoyed les petits victoires. A twee fillum but highly pleasant.

I watched shot caller during the night last night waiting for the mrs to go into labour.

A grand auld yarn bar the ending. The prison stuff was good tho.

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Watched Robert Altman’s Nashville for the first time in about 25 years earlier. I’d forgotten how utterly brilliant a film it is.


I happened across it randomly a couple of years ago. A decent show.

Watched Challengers the other day - thought it was fairly meh.

Armageddon on Film 4. An asteroid is coming and it’s going to hit earth a nawful belt. Right into the puss. But Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck and Steve Buscemi (to a lesser extent) are going to go up and tear
Into that fucking asteroid. And by Christ they’ll halve it

A fucking classic

Requesting permission to shake the hand of the daughter of the bravest man I’ve ever met

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Came out the same year as Deep Impact. A savage year altogether for asteroid movies.

Deep Impact is about a comet whereas Armageddon is about an asteroid. The two films couldn’t be more different


Dantes peak & Volcano were both released in the same year too, the world went buck ape for the old disaster genre for a good spell.

In fairness earth was fairly getting Bukakke’d by falling space objects that year alright

U do love a bit of cliche ridden american schmaltz.

Components. American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!

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I can’t watch that stuff. It makes my teeth water and i have to turn it off.

I’d get them looked at

The underage jokes involving Buscemi in Armageddon certainly wouldn’t be in any remake​:grimacing::grimacing: As an aside I saw a Saturday Night Live sketch with him that’s called Coach Bert. Again cuts close to the bone but it must be 10 years old or more…

He’s only after fucking saying it. AEROSMITH!!!

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Some achievement to blow an asteroid in half.

It was ok. Cast was rubbish outside of Andy.