Good weather - good thing or a bad thing?

I used to go mad when people would say that it was ‘too hot’ when we would have a spell of good weather. I mean we don’t get it very often so why on earth would you complain about it? Also these are the same people who would give out when it was raining saying that we never get any good weather and then give out when it comes.

In recent times however I find myself in quite a grumpy mood (even more grumpy than usual) when there is good weather. I don’t know why but I find myself sometimes longing for a drop in temperature. I think I like ‘the norm’ and any movement away from it throws me out of sync and hence makes me grumpy…

Any views?


Good weather is superb.


Good weather is superb.[/quote]

I’ll second that.

How’s the Farmer Fund coming along btw?


Good weather is superb.

Sort out your fringe - gobshite…

Farmer early runner for the May idiot of the month award.

Good weather rocks

A lunchtime stroll around Stephens Green for a look at the talent on display says good weather is very much a good thing.

Blew the 10 cent collected on yer ma…

When you see what the birds are wearing around town since the good weather arrived and yet complain about it being nice marks Farmer out as the clown we all know he is. Clown.

[quote=“Locke”]Farmer early runner for the May idiot of the month award.

Good weather rocks[/quote]

yup. Whats not to like about good weather here? It rarely gets near 30 degrees, humidity isnt bad (should try working in Darwin coming into rainy season in 40+ degree heat and 90% humidity, thats heat), get to go out in parks and play ball all evening and enjoy it, women wear less clothes.

When you could’ve had your aunty for 10c cheaper?

My Ma 1-0 Aunty Farmer

Yeah for fuck’s sake it never gets too hot here - it’s just pleasant t-shirt weather. If that makes you grumpy there’s something seriously wrong.

Good to see that this debate is creating a lot of divison with posters vehemently arguing both sides of it…

I have nothing. I am in shocking humour since Monday and wrongly linked that to the start of the good weather. As Gman said - what’s there not to like?

Edit: Bad humour may be as a result of the dose received off Clarkey’s ma…

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Good to see that this debate is creating a lot of divison with posters vehemently arguing both sides of it…

I have nothing. I am in shocking humour since Monday and wrongly linked that to the start of the good weather. As Gman said - what’s there not to like?

Edit: Bad humour may be as a result of the dose received off Clarkey’s ma…[/quote]

Farmer in U-turn Shocker.

Ma says hi.

I can only see one side being argued. Good weather = good. Now can you dig hat sucka?

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Good to see that this debate is creating a lot of divison with posters vehemently arguing both sides of it…

I have nothing. I am in shocking humour since Monday and wrongly linked that to the start of the good weather. As Gman said - what’s there not to like?

Edit: Bad humour may be as a result of the dose received off Clarkey’s ma…[/quote]

Incredible climb down. I might revise my prediction of Bandage’s successful defence of his IOTM award. Buffoon.

Being a milk white freckley fook the currant bun does me no favours.

The spectacular views of bouncing nellies more than makes up for it though.

[quote=“Locke”]Farmer early runner for the May idiot of the month award.


Exactly what I was thinking Lockes.

Took a drive through town yesterday lunchtime as had a meeting near Pearse Street. Down the quays, around the Green, Dawson St, Nassau St area. The neck was nearly worn off me by the end of it and almost crashed the car twice.

Gotta love the good weather.

Serious bit of perving done out on Mayor Square there at lunchtime there, some cracking scenery

I like the nice weather and all that but I always get a kind of restless in work when it’s nice, like I’m missing out on something by being stuck inside. I also walk from St. Stephen’s Green to the IFSC (a return journey) on a daily basis and the increase in temperature has sent my perspiration levels from this walk soaring, that said I’ve been known to sweat on that walk on frosty mornings.

Tinnion - you’re a cop out!

You once told me that the good weather doesn’t agree with you or something like that…

I remember when I was working with you last year when there was a good spell you said that you wanted the temperature to drop…