Graeme Souness

The new Heinze will do just fine.

They are the same height i never said anything about ability. You are floundering here

Don’t make me call Snow White on you too.

Ben Mee made shit of Martinez when they faced Brentford. With his lack of size, it’s fair comment from Souey to question his aerial prowess.

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The Red Devils fans are awful nervous about it. Souey lad calling it out has them rattled. They must be short enough lads themselves.

I see @dodgy_keeper is on having a cut at Liverpool and giving likes to anti Liverpool posts from the Man U footix. Another win or two for the Red Devils and he could be back supporting them again.

Heinze was a left-back mate not a centre-back.

Are you watching much EPL these days?

Sad to see Souness’ dislike mustrust of foreigners being reflected by the forum racist set

Was more than capable of playing at centre half and did so numerous times.


Forum racist ChairmanDan - previously banned from the forum for his racist views (including multiple use of the highly offensive term ‘towel heads’) - sticking up for a guy with a reputation for not liking foreigners and selling black players from his clubs.

Fancy that.


I’d catch Match of the Day some of the time on a Saturday or Sunday night.

The united boys are getting bolshy. @dodgy_keeper has foresaken united since he went to the uefa cup final but ETH has him back by god.

No surprise to see a racist support souness

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Martinez will be the best centre back in the league very soon.

Souness doesn’t like him because she’s a foreigner. Nothing to do with his height.

I’ll re-iterate again my comments from two weeks ago on Graeme Souness. @dodgy_keeper of course was your arch Man U footix when they were winning all round them. No blow was too low to inflict on those dastardly Scousers, even regularly stooping as low as sneering at the victims of Hillsbrough and their families. Souey is toxic of course to @dodgy_keeper, because he’s former Liverpool.

Lucky for @dodgy_keeper that the Limerick hurlers came along when the winning stopped at Man U and he gave up on supporting them.

Informative. I’d say you might be overestimating how many times he played centre-back though considering Man Utd had Vidic, Ferdinand, Wes Brown, John O’ Shea and Mikel Silvestre at the time. Maybe he got a few games early on while Ferdinand was on a ban for skipping a drugs test……

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

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Who’s the female foreigner in this now? I’m lost.

Has anyone martinez’ height ever been a success at centre back in the English top division? I suppose it’s a fairly easily answerable question