Graeme Souness

Who is Bobby Moore?

Ciaran Carey. No more about it, put the ball ovet the bar and in the back of the net


I disagree that a defender can have “one of the greatest games of all time” while his team concede 3 goals

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Sure its a fucking nonsense to think otherwise.

Just look at who it is you’re arguing this with now lad

Terry Butcher was a very under rated centre back. There was a fine discussion on this very subject recently on the following podcast, starting around 22 minutes in. Tottenham supporter Tim Vickery, an avid student of the game who has been BBC’s South American football correspondent for many years, calls Butcher “an absolute class act” who “played three World Cups and barely made a mistake”.

It’s a testament to the greatness of Diego Maradona’s goal against England in 1986 that it was scored despite the best efforts of such a world class centre back.

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Franz Beckenbauer against Italy in 1970 is one of the most iconic performances of all time despite his team losing 4-3.

Was Beckenbaur really a centre half? I never saw him play (I’m about 40 years too young) but from what I’ve read he was more of an attacker who played deep?

Pound for pound Sami Hyppia is the greatest CB the EPL has seen. VVD is a far better player but Hyppia was bought for £2.4m ( about 8.6m in today’s money) unbelievable.

Don’t know about you Boxty but I think Tony Kelly needs a few more top performances in Croke Park to be considered one of the modern day greats.

Not to mention your man Maguire.

Diego Godin in the 2014 Champions League final another example of a truly outstanding performance by a centre back despite his team losing 4-1.

I find myself nodding in agreement with those sentiments.
He’s tidy though, easy on the eye when the turbo kicks in.


He was a centre half . Played like a midfielder though on the ball.

A pity Thiago Silva spent so many years in France. Would have gone down as one of the greats

Only the true greats have to not concede six goals to advance in a European tie, and fail in that task.

That’s one game in his career mate

Van disney was playing when villa scored 7 against Liverpool

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I think Van Dijk is a brilliant defender, the way he just brushes attackers trying to get past him off in such a nonchalant manner is fantastic to watch but he seems to think that certain parts of defending are beneath him


Ashley Barnes says VVD is the best centre back he’s ever played against.
Good enough for me.