Graeme Souness

Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy educating the Cork boys here

Wonderful, the puppet master strikes again :joy:

Dance Moving GIF

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Facts and the reality of what actually happened really can be a nuisance to the narrative you’d like to pedal.

In the first of his two seasons at Sampdoria, they won the Italian Cup, the first top flight silverware in the history of the club. Souness scored the winning goal in their 0-1 final win at the San Siro against AC Milan. Sampdoria also finished 4th in Serie A that season, which at time represented their second highest ever finish. Souness scored more league goals that season than both of the Sampdoria strikers - Vialli and Mancini.


Masterful technique from Souness there - kept the eye on the flight and set the feet accordingly. Doubtless he alerted his colleague not to interfere with his intent by means of an unparliamentary shout……


Souness marched into the home ground of a Roma team who were bribing refs and walked all over the cunts.


Did he?

Roma were the better team and lost on penalties

Walked all over the cunts.


He isnt a patch on Jack Byrne in fairness

Anyone remember Keane for Forest? Brilliant box to box midfielder. Changed his game when he went to United. To his detriment I think.

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The only game I remember Keane for Forest was the 1991 FA Cup Final. The late great Justin Edinburgh wound him up something else that day.


He was box to box first couple of seasons at united too.

Robson and Ferguson told him he needed to drop deeper and pick the ball off the back 4 and he did that better than anyone in the premier league

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He was but imagine Keane at 26 or 27 as a box to box midfielder? He would have been sensational.

He did the job he was asked to do

He was sensational anyway

Such as? I seem to remember him bossing a Juventus team around the field in Turin.

I don’t ever recall Roy Keane lining out for Nottingham Forest against Juventus in Turin.


replied to wrong post sorry

This has become laughably overrated as the years have gone on.


I wonder does Dwight Yorke have a load of fanbois on Trinidadian forums constantly reminiscing about the night he single handly destroyed the mighty Juventus in Turin.