Great TFK Vindications

We should just rename this the Glasagusban thread.


And it really got under your skin :grinning:

A Stephen Roche 1987 performance from @glasagusban kudos

Itā€™s easy see the Limerick lads who take no intrinsic natural pleasure in Limerick winning. They have to make it about them now in some way and somehow it being their own victory.

No I loved it. You are like George Hook when he used be tipping Munsters opposition every week. It was part of the circus where the clown came in and did his party piece.

I got really worried when you tipped Cork to give Limerick a rattle though

Glad you enjoyed it pal. I try to entertainā€¦

download (2)

Welcome back. We missed you there for a couple of days.

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Heā€™s a great man to predict how the hurling future will pan out. Iā€™d be fascinated to see who he predicts win over the next 10 years.

Jesus Christ, what a shellacking. I donā€™t know if it reminded more of the 2019 or 2021 Munster final massacres.

Bravo @glasagusban


Where was I gone?

Licking your wounds I suppose

Sure I was here all the time. I didnā€™t retreat to a PM group to discuss the game or anything like that

Cahill will not be asked a third time Iā€™d imagine now. You can bookmark that as I hope to fuck Iā€™m wrong on that.

The time for Cahill was 3 years ago. We fucked up the moment has well and truly passed.
The Lord save us from Port cunts.

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Heā€™ll still be the stand out candidate for the foreseeable future and pressure may grow within the county for him to be given the opportunity. If results donā€™t go well for the next guy all the more so. All sledging aside, Iā€™d say he may well get his shot yet.

Dunno, there are going to be two views on this decision,

A, Cahill says fuck Tipp now as heā€™s been dicked around twice over 3 years with them.

B, the empty vessels at Co Board level are invariably forever slighted by his decision today and heā€™ll never be asked again.

The bottom line in all this is, if what Liam wanted put in place was agreed too with no ifs or buts involved that statement would not have been made today.

Deep down Cahill knows this opportunity wonā€™t come again.

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But how much time weā€™re the county board willing to give him. In fairness youā€™re probably looking g at earliest year three before seeing any return.

Donā€™t know but itā€™s a 5 year job and if theyā€™re not willing to give the right man that time then it is a long long road back to silverware

People tend to be more pragmatic than that.