Great TFK Vindications

I think it is rockin’ joe’s poor imitation of the smoke stack

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A blog basically?

It’s like Patreon but for written articles. Lots of journalists there who basically can’t get published in any MSM.

Because they’re like too good at journalism for the system to accept them? :laughing:


They ask too many questions

I’ve never been on there but seems to be lots of ex-MSM journalists like Glen Grinwald Alex Bernson Barrie Weiss etc who would have a lot of fairly controversial viewpoints on things I guess.

Every major paper around the world has reported the article.

I haven’t fully read the piece nor arguing for or against it. But surely you can see why some journalists would want autonomy? Mainstream Newspapers/ media heavily censor and push agendas.


Is there a big word in there giving you trouble?


No. The lack of pictures just put me off.

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What’s this now?

The term “award winning” makes me think of sausages.

Seymour Hersh is a sausage.

I was thinking about you earlier…that you should take up horseriding. It would be good fun, you’d meet horsey women…who’d make you realise you only thought you’d problems and imagine the authority and moral weight your views would have- if you could literally state…“sure even a one eyed man on a galloping horse can see de santis is…” etc
Just a thought

The blowing up of the Pipes seems regardless of who did it to have kept Gas Prices high and fill the pockets of both the Russians & Americans.

All this shit & instability is only pouring huge amounts of money into the pockets of Oil/Gas & Weapons producers.
All to the detriment of normal Ukrainian civilians

I said all that 6 months ago and you and the rest of the fannies on here had a conniption… You’ll get there eventually.


Word of the week :clap:

Not ideal if it happens to you.

Lads must have thought this was AI, ironically enough

Morto for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

He’ll need some of this

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