Great TFK Vindications

Happy Champions League GIF by DAZN



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Tony bloom too

It’s important to be vindicated on the INTERNET.

Poor oul’ Sid Waddell was run off YBIG for stating some hard truths.

But this is as comprehensive an INTERNET vindication as I’ve ever seen.

Whoever this guy is knew spock was a bluffer. Great shout. Up yours irish soccer media

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A lot of guys on here left with egg on their faces.


In the age of the footix, such facts and definitive conclusions have no part to play if it shows your rival footix team are not to blame.


Does this mean the ‘headbangers’ are the lads who TOOK the vaccine??


Same folk with the same opinions have been solidly and consistently wrong on the two biggest issues of our adult lives. COVID 19 and Mass Illegal immigration. Same Venn diagram.

Bonkers stuff and all the damage done.


I dunno mate. Equating the two is like saying yeah, you won the champions league but you lost in the world club thing final. I’d like to keep the vindication pure and simple…just to set an example like.

Maybe you’re right.

The single mindedness in both opinions has been something to behold though. Old school religious stuff. Strange times.

Russia Ukraine is another one. You’ve the ‘totally unprovoked invasion of a democratic sovereign nation’ lads moralising away, and them vaccinated to the eyeballs.

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I’m not informed enough, nor actually truly care enough at this stage in it to have any strong opinions on that one.

Truest words you’ve ever written.

@glenshane wrote some terrific stuff on the subject. Called it just as it was. But that’s for another day, on the vindication ls thread.

So im a headbanger for saying the vaccine and also a headbanger for taking it?

Cant win, just need to accept im a headbanger

You’re certainly a headbanger, but you’re our headbanger…and thats all that counts

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Someone mischievous has stirred the mentallers from their hibernation.