Greatest comebacks of all time

Its alright Dunph, nothing for you to worry your ickle head about. Tell me, have any of those big boys been giving you grief lately? That nasty Foley or even nastier Puke? Iā€™ve warned them, so if thereā€™s any hint of bullying going on, you let me know and Iā€™ll have a word. Good chap.

Thats what youā€™re calling Mountjoy this weather is it?

Foleyā€™s comeback after his self imposed ban


What else was that black guy in?

I think he was only a bit-part actor. Apparently he is better known for doing some ads for erectile dysfunction.

Sean Paul.


Watching that video nowā€¦what an artist.


Iā€™m lead to believe Liverpool achieved a Lazarus-esque resurrection tonight at Anfield. Reading the forum it seems that they have a lot of support on here which is good. The trophy cabinet key has been missing a while but I suppose looking at all those replica European Cups gives hope for the future. Even Kerry had some lean years.

They did mate, and Klopp could well be the man to turn it around for themā€¦but being honest as much as I enjoyed tonightā€™s game I would hate to see them back in the big leaguesā€¦theyā€™re far easier to deal with around 7th or 8th in the leagueā€¦going well the odd season in the Europa league.

You could nearly call them a great bunch of lads then you know.

I take your point but I seldom look at soccerball. The odd occasion I watch itā€™s invariably them and by Christ they have some/many fucking dogshit players. The obvious problems are at the back - a useless keeper and then youā€™re contending with bomb-scares like Sakho, Lovren and some other useless cunt whoā€™s name escapes me.
If I hadnā€™t grey hair by now Iā€™d guarantee it in a season following them.

Iā€™m actually going grey these days fairly young as wellā€¦half blade to the back and sides sorts the worst of it thoughā€¦The father was actually fully grey at 32 the mad cunt.

Heā€™d be a big Liverpool fan as wellā€¦they had good times back then though.

The greatest comeback of all time.

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@Fran comeback to @Bandage

2 years after almost having her left hand sliced off during a home invasion, Petra Kvitova plays in the Australian Open final on Saturday. Phenomenal.


Petra would get it

Incredible - a whole new generation of teenagers and students can appreciate the artform that is Takeshiā€™s Castle - itā€™s back, baby

I sincerely hope that Craig Charles is given the voiceover duties again.
Beat Takeshi :clap: he looks old as fuck