Greatest Ever Irish Person

As unflattering as it gets

Gately made the top 10. At least he didn’t make the top 5.

Does Mary Robinson deserve the acclaim? Has she achieved much in her UN role? I could research it myself but I’m hoping others might know off hand. Thank you.

Wasn’t actually that bad. He produced something in it that any man would boast about

It is impossible to pick out a Greatest Irishman for 98% of the Irish population, as their only source of material would be what they read in history books in school. These books were written by the church and the state, failed church and failed state. Irish history is one big fairytale.

As for Churchill

Good, dislike that little bollix intensely.

Daniel O’Connell :angry:

The man who had the country for the taking but was afraid somebody would get hurt. :rolleyes:

Absolute legend and deserving winner from a British perspective I suppose.
An aristocratic, privileged, snobbish and imperialistic bollox from an Irish one though.

Hmmmm… we may be related!

I’d go for Connolly anyway. A man who had suffered in childhood and in his death but never took the easy choices in life. Stood up for the rights of people and saw beyond flags as the definition of a nation. I can’t imagine what he thinks of the current Labour party.

Is she the one who makes those concentrate drinks? I’m partial to the lemon one myself.

Very true. Irish people need to read some of the history produced by the industrial North-East instead of the gibberish produced by the religious lunatics of the South. Collins is a hero of the holy war on the protestant minority, reviled in educated suburbia.

Neil Jordan must have left out the bit where he went to Turkey

Jesus would you say that about Gandhi? Just beacuse he believed in peaceful methods doesn’t diminish his achievements.

Whats a Gandhi?

Hold on a minute I can’t accept that, you’ve really wound me up! :angry: :angry:

His peaceful methods cost millions of lives a few years later in the famine.
Theres a big difference between passive resistance and sending everyone home.

Bono!!! ( greatest frontman in the greatest band of all time. and a great philanthropist to boot) this should get some good debate going!!

Typical monobrowed simpleton who thinks violence is the solution to everything. O’Connell was an educated man who understood how to gain respect for a people in the circles that mattered. Collins was a thug who promptly handed the state over to the priests once the British departed.

Do you think that any uprising would not have cost any lives? That Britain would have walked away? And even if O Connell had sought confrontation it would probably not have run its course by the time of the famine.

The one and only John Leahy.Lock this thread.