Greatest Ever Irish Person

Its true but its worse - Not only did the “heroes” of Ireland 1920s hand over the state to the Church, they also handed over the children of the nation to the Church.

Will this particularly sordid chapter of Irish History appear in History books in 50 years time here?

Typical mongoloid who thinks the pen is mightier than the sword, I’m only glad your Tipperary forefathers weren’t full of such shit or your avatar would be of some Tipperary Cricketer.
As for gaining respect for the Irish people. The number of Irish left to rot a few years after would suggest different.

Given that the British allowed the famine to ravage the country it’s frightening to think what atrocities they would have approved of in the event of a full-scale rebellion. At least O’Connell laid the foundations for a self-governing Ireland being politically acceptable.


Hey you HEY YOU. Fuck off.

The Irish could have gone fishing during the famine. Not the Brits fault there was a grave, Irish mistrust of the sea. The mysterious powerful sea.


They’re were plenty of schemes introduced to alleviate the ‘famine’ and it’s widely accepted that the suffering would have been greatly reduced if the priests hadn’t banned people from availing of them.

The ‘famine’ was a harsh lesson for the Irish in the workings of the market economy and one that the cunts griping nowadays would do well to remember.

Thats hardly a reason not to rise up against them?

I’m only on the wind-up about O’Connell btw no doubting he was a great man with strong principles who achieved a lot for the people of the time.
I genuinely think a glorious oppurtunity was missed though. Never before or since in the history of Irish politics did one man wield such power.


A nation of simpletons gripped in superstition. If the Brits didn’t plan the ‘famine’ they should have.

May have had this before. Drinagh relations?

delighted that dev, haughey and bentie haven’t made the list, even at the cost of having that cunt, paul hewson, in it

I can’t believe Katy French isn’t on the list.

she doesn’t need o be, she’ll always be the “queen of our hearts” (© sindo) :lol:

I thought you didn’t consider people from the north Irish. Don’t tell me your contradicting yourself. That would be very unlike you wtb.

Would you ever lighten up larry you miserable cunt?

Cool the jets wtb.

Larry has WTB tied up in knots here.

This shortlist manages to simultaneously show no imagination and miss probably the most obvious candidate. Impressively incompetent.