Happy birthday

Ghayest thread ever.

Bout fucking time.

Tiger isn’t real.

who is she flano?

I don’t know but there has been too many inconsistency’s in the postings that have been made under the pseudonym.

Tiger is related to Bandage.

Me bollix.

Tiger = Liam Cahill

Tiger = A Fox.

No female relation of mine would be let play golf.

Forum legend Gavin is 19 today…

Will NCC send him some ‘hotbutter’ from Oz to mark the occasion?

Surely a lurker here, screen legend Jack Nicholson is 73 today.

Here’s to the first of the day fellas!

My brother has turned 30 today as well.

Now for ya!

Happy birthday Farmers brother…

What about Jack Nicholson - I know that it would mean a lot to him to have a birthday message from The Puke.

Jack can go and whistle, any lad that sticks his wick in Laura Flynn Boyle deserves nothing but contempt(considering the amount of ass he could have had) :smiley:

Good man Puke. Never the typical response from you.

what you mean could have had??..wasn’t it him that said he had so many absolute crackers wanting to fcuk him when he was a young actor that he used to peak too soon in the sack as they were so
beautiful…so he started putting coke on his piece to last longer …character…

Drugs aren’t cool scumpot…