Hard done by or consent is consent

A million miles from pervert Creaven
Feel sorry for him having to tell the old pair in Ciarraí Theas

It’s extremely harsh. Could happen and probably has to anyone. Depends on the sentence really but to have your name blackened for that is harsh

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Fuck… That’s very tough…

How she’s goes from going back to sleep, taking a lift home, meeting up for a chat to suicidal is a bit strange is it not? He felt her diddies like ffs.


At least his partner is standing by him as the judge got a letter from her. Hard to hold your head together.
Reporting a year later…after a full debrief the day after, you’d have to think some of her issues are not down to this. This hanging over him since 2019… Not sure when he was suspended from RnG.
She seems to hate him as that victim impact is both barrels. He shouldn’t have got up on her but he apologised straight away.

This is simply insane.

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What if it was the other way around, I have lost count of the amount of times women tried to get up on me in the middle of the night after a feed of porter


That’s not illegal.

Jesus lads… I don’t know…

I remember waking up in the middle of the night being pulled and dragged at under the covers. I was more than happy to continue but on another night I may not have felt like consenting

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If you walked into a guarda staying and said I woke up to a call giving me a blow job and I want to press charges you’d be laughed out the door.

Was he regretful the following morning?


He was suffering from a touch of pink eye.

It was sexual assault by letter of law and he admitted it in the WhatsApp messages/interviews.

If he had been more of a bollox they’d have had no evidence.

People need to to get better at vetting out crazy. I’ve heard a few stories from lads that would make you glad you’re out of the dating game - girls texting lads about being drugged etc “I know you didn’t do it but I was grand before I met you …. “ type messages


It doesn’t sit easy with me at all that story, but you’re best keeping your counsel really.

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You’d nearly want to be getting written contracts in place before lobbing the Johnson out these days, fuckin hell

An out of court settlement is imminent

“Attack” Ah Jaysus Christ.

Another case like it but the bloke was cleared.

That’s a completely different scenario really.