Hate crime legislation

Disagree, I expect it will be picked up by the next government.

If SF lead the next government then it depends who goes in with them. I presume SF won’t take the Justice Minister, so it’ll be for their Gov partner. If it’s FF then maybe the minister won’t pick it up (although I think they’ll have to and will be required to). If SF go in with a lefty green coalition then the justice minister is guaranteed to be one of those crazy loony left extremists controlled by the NGO industrial complex, so they’d likely pick it up again.

If it’s an FF lefty green coalition then it’ll be picked up again too. I presume FG are for the opposition.

Probably posted before but funny


you might want to check out section 4 of the new bill

zip it slaphead

Incorrect… A government minister was on one of those late night debates recently on RTE and he said it will be up to the courts.

Why did you tell lies about Willie Harrold?

let me ladybird it for you

the 1989 act will be repealed if the new bill goes on the statute books ergo, no definition of hatred.

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The legislation hadn’t even been finalised yet it was still draft.

its going through the oireacteas. you think that at this stage theyd do that much work to it?

Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022 – No. 105 of 2022 – Houses of the Oireachtas

Yes, with legislation like this, plenty.

really? so youve seen a repeal bill go to an amendment bill? TNH

The first paragraph contradicts the second. There’s a reason freedom of speech is the first amendment in the American constitution, it’s the most important right in a free society, that anyone be criticised and questioned. The left want to vaccinate themselves against criticism and the terror of mean tweets. Roderick O Gorman is a moron. It’s not a crime or hate speech to point that out.

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Criticism of politicians for political reasons will never be considered hate speech

Screaming Mary’s love to invent ridiculous scenarios :grinning:


A very good you know the definition of hate. Fire it up there.

Here’s a recent debate on it… About 5 minutes on gets into who defines hate


Choco is quoting Senator Ronán Mullen :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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No that’s a clip of a recent debate taken from twitter. It encapsulates both sides of the argument.

From the lying party at that.