Disagree, I expect it will be picked up by the next government.
If SF lead the next government then it depends who goes in with them. I presume SF won’t take the Justice Minister, so it’ll be for their Gov partner. If it’s FF then maybe the minister won’t pick it up (although I think they’ll have to and will be required to). If SF go in with a lefty green coalition then the justice minister is guaranteed to be one of those crazy loony left extremists controlled by the NGO industrial complex, so they’d likely pick it up again.
If it’s an FF lefty green coalition then it’ll be picked up again too. I presume FG are for the opposition.
The first paragraph contradicts the second. There’s a reason freedom of speech is the first amendment in the American constitution, it’s the most important right in a free society, that anyone be criticised and questioned. The left want to vaccinate themselves against criticism and the terror of mean tweets. Roderick O Gorman is a moron. It’s not a crime or hate speech to point that out.