Have you ever soiled yourself as an adult?

Please tell me she was able to recognise some of the protagonists.

She signed out as soon as she saw the Auld Birds Thread…

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Leave the mothers out of it

im fairly sure that she thinks that youre @Robin_Hood

20 odd years ago a neighbour was in newsoms browsing when her young lad of 10 took a dump in one of the toilets on display in the middle of the shop . He wasn’t the brightest of kids and was roaring at his mother that there was no toilet paper and the toilet wouldn’t flush .
On another occasion during a nice hot summers day the same young lad was in his back garden swinging away on a swing balls naked and having a piss .


Does he post here?


Wouldn’t think so . The same young lad would have difficulty posting a letter I’d say .

Security guard sacked for letting site visitor use toilet

STEPHEN BOURKEA security guard who feared a site visitor would soil himself before reaching a bathroom if he had to wait to sign in was unfairly sacked for letting him past, the Workplace Relations Commission has found.

In a decision published yesterday, the commission ordered Securitas Security Services (Ireland) to pay Ciarán Kelly more than €21,000.

Mr Kelly said he was on duty at a client site guardhouse on the morning of December 9th, 2020 when the man came to him showing an email saying he was visiting and asking if he could use the toilet.

“The visitor was clearly in distress and I told him to go to reception in the main building and use the toilet and return to me to get his pass,” he said, adding that he called his supervisor to tell him the man was “coming down”.

He said the supervisor said not to let him down but that he replied that he had to as he feared the visitor was “going to soil himself”.

Mr Kelly told the tribunal he believed his employer “would have gone off the head” if the visitor had not made it to the bathroom in time, but as it turned out he got a phone call later from the Securitas area manager suspending him.

He said there were “clear misrepresentations of what happened and what was said” during the resulting disciplinary process and his view was that management “had already decided they were going to terminate his employment”.

Representatives of employers’ body Ibec, Conor O’Gorman and Declan Thomas, who presented the case for the respondent, said it was the firm’s position that Mr Kelly was “dismissed for allowing an unauthorised person on site” at a time when Covid-19 cases were “rapidly increasing”.

At the disciplinary proceedings, Securitas account manager Brian Doyle said the complainant “should have followed the procedures strictly” and that “the job is to only allow restricted authorised access to site,” he said.

Breach of trust

He said his decision was to terminate Mr Kelly’s employment on the grounds of “breach of trust and breach of procedures” and that he “didn’t consider anything other than dismissal”.

Gráinne Quinn for Mr Kelly, said his employer had “always emphasised the importance of treating everyone with who he came into contact with dignity”.

In her decision on the case, commission adjudicator Caroline Reidy said dismissal was generally a “last resort” and that it had to be justified by “substantial grounds”.

“In this case I do not see that this bar has been met,” she wrote, adding that she did not regard the decision to dismiss Mr Kelly as proportionate.

She upheld Mr Kelly’s complaint under the Unfair Dismissals Act 1977 and ordered Securitas Security Services (Ireland) to pay him €21,216.

Id imagine both parties are happy enough with that outcome.

Is there some legal right about people being permitted to use company’s toilets when they have to drop trow?

I had a massive poo today. No matter how many times I flushed there was no budging it so I eventually just left it be. Rascal was first to encounter it just before dinner and comes running down the hall shouting so I asked him what was up. Mrs H was out in the utility so I blamed her. She wasn’t long setting him straight and told me in no uncertain terms to sort it out.

I sheepishly head down to ‘sort’’ it. Rascal came down with me but understandably stayed outside to avoid further trauma. After each flush 'Any luck Dad? ’ followed by a rueful shake of the head from me. It reminded me of that scene in Independence Day where they try and nuke the aliens. Expectation and joy followed by disappointment. It’s a newish loo with a flush strong enough to clear skid marks but this baby whale was in no mood to surrender easily and fought a valiant battle before heading off to twosie heaven.


What was the long term plan here? Arson or emigration?


@cowpat will have a serious horn when he reads this.


It was going to disintegrate eventually but Mrs H wouldn’t be as patient about these things as me. I have since received a helpful tip via pm on how to address the issue next time it happens. Fairy liquid to add a bit of extra slippage.


That happened me one time in college, I poked it down with a bit of a stick which I then threw out the window.

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Do ye not use toilet brushes in ye’re part of the country?
What do ye clean the toilet with or do ye bother at all?

Do you not keep a stick in the toilet?
They’re handy out…
