HBV - A Poll to decide if the forum wants him back (non binding)

Youā€™ve arse cleaning on the brain. Will the HSE not give you home help for a few days?

Well harry, sell many slurry tanks today? Hope you met your targets.


Time for another sabbatical?

The Internet like life is serious business. Keep it up Amby.

No, loving it.

Thatā€™s the key, enjoy the Internet. Best not to take it so seriously.

By the way, are you in the market for a Tank? I need one more order to fill a quota. TFK discountā€¦

No pal, I outsource that kind of thing.

Bravo, keep the Contractor ticking.

I feel tornā€¦ Iā€™ve bezzers on both sides going at it here.

@bandage , care to comment on the result of the poll?

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Since when have polls meant anything on TFK?

Itā€™s until 4pm tomorrow?

Ill field this one @Bandage

The simpletons and the quislings voted for HBV

The good guys dont want him back

I donā€™t know the result, mate.

Disappointing vote for lamp too I might add.

Bizarre Clintonesque comment. You should change your avatar to Chemical Ali.

An early lead for the take that fans who want back for good but thereā€™s a long way to go yet in this one youā€™d feel

A rather basic mistake confusing Chemical Ali and Comical Ali. Very indicative of your highly agitated and unstable state of mind at the moment to make such a basic mistake.

Comical Ali of course is who the late night comedy joke of a press secretary models himself on, and youā€™re also doing a very good impersonation of him yourself at the moment.

By the way, to change oneā€™s avatar to Chemical Ali, one would want to have made a Ronald Reagan or Donald Rumsfeld-esque comment, given that they were allies.


If I were any calmer Iā€™d be asleep. Enjoying watching your implosion though. Yes, comical Ali, my bad.