HBV - A Poll to decide if the forum wants him back (non binding)

Sure you are.

You’re off your head at the moment.

Seven weeks of pent up aggression and it’s all come to a head in a sudden and spectacular meltdown.

Look mate you’ve had free reign to sprout your leftiest delusions for all that time, and you’re now behaving like a kid whose had their lollipop stolen.

It’s about as far from delusion as is possible to recognise that your boy Trump is a dangerously unhinged moron who’s making a complete mess of the presidency.

It’s so predictable that you come back all guns blazing defending him after playing a very, very poor impression of an “independent” when you were on before. That wore increasingly thin as the months went on and now you’ve removed the veil to reveal yourself in all your finery as the wingnut lunatic you are.

In your mind, Trump has got an ® after his name so he’s great.

It’s like supporting a football team to you.

You truly are a shallow minded moron.
I did not vote for Trump, nor am I a Republican, and have voted for Democratic candidates far more often than Republican. I know this seems impossible to imagine for you, as you have tunnel vision and are part of the leftie hive mind.

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Of course you’re not a Republican, and of course you didn’t vote for Trump.

You’ve just been on here defending him like a brainwashed cultist over the last day, and many times before that.

And you employ all the same language and all the same techniques that Trumpbots all over the INTERNET use.

The veil has well and truly blown off, in fact it blew off long ago, but it’s now blown over the horizon and out of sight.

As I said, you’re a shallow moron.
Where have I defended Trump? I pointed out that only morons would be surprised at how he is behaving as president and the fact he is actually setting out to do what he promised to do. Some of what he is doing I agree with, some I don’t, that’s how a functioning brain works, unlike yours.

Em, have you even read what what you’ve been writing or is it all going in and out of your brain like a goldfish?

Again, your shallow brain cannot detect the difference between commentary on a position and support of said position, a frequent blind spot of the brainwashed left.

Ah right, so you haven’t read what you wrote, and it _ha_s left your mind. Thanks for confirming that.

Don’t bother with the amateur psychology, you’re no use at it. People blinded by rage never are - and it’s not even amateur psychology to point that out, by the way, it’s observable fact.

More vacuous bullshit.
You are a leftie nutter mate. I live in California and am surrounded by them, so know your type well. The only hate on show currently is the venom coming from the left. They are outraged that the country had the audacity to reject them and elect the monster. They (and you) can go fuck themselves, you lost, reorganize and come back with a viable candidate.
They won’t though (unfortunately, as I lean Democrat on most issues), they are a rabble and will drift further left and become even more unelectable.

Put the booze away kid.

I’m at work mate, too early for a drink… but watch this space later.

Now that’s cliched, moronic rhetoric. Straight from the Trumpbot 101 playbook, the anger, delusion and unstableness dripping from every word.

Hardly surprising that a nutter like you would consider themselves “surrounded by nutters”, but never once stop to think that they might be the real nutter.

It’s a bit like the way you brand others “fascists”, despite being at minimum an obvious fascist sympathiser, if not an actual outright fascist - that last bit is certainly debatable.

And also like the way you laughably try and claim high moral ground, despite being the very epitome of a gutter rat.

You’re very like Trump, actually. You have no comprehension of anything else except “everybody else is wrong except me!” Labane versus the world. It must be terrible to feel so oppressed, especially when you give claim so haughtily to lead such a great life. One finds that very hard to believe from the imagined oppression dripping from all of your posts.

Have you reported your schizophrenia jibe to yourself, by the way, or should I say your other self?

Would ye’ give it a fucking rest.

Try the appropriate thread at least.


Look mate, you’re reminding me why I talked myself into exiting this place and escape assholes like you.

Unlike you I don’t live in a mental basement and actually interact with many other humans. I have a wide range of friends, workmates and acquaintances, most of whom are very similar to myself, some Democrat, some Republican, many independent voters like myself, most are very balanced in their views. The only line I draw is with moron progressive lefties (a rare enough phenomena in the US historically, but now growing, a symptom of an utterly useless public education system). I support most “left” causes on social issues, pro choice, same sex marriage, equal rights, etc. I lean conservative on economic issues as I have an evidence based belief system, and anyone with a functioning brain can see that capitalism for all its flaws is the best economic system and socialism the worst. If that sounds like fascism to you, then you are truly an idiot.

Your need to pigeon hole everyone to the right of you as extreme and fascist is pathetic.

I will if you change your vote (you cunt).

You take yourself very seriously

You’ve been the one doing the pigeon holing, and pigeon holing yourself very effectively too.

So I have no need to pigeon hole you, when the work has already been done for me.

I take free speech seriously mate, and you should too. Banning people for expressing views you don’t like is childish, and supporting said banning is empowering bad behavior. If being banned for boring people was a real thing, @sidney should have been banned in 2007 and every month since.

what have ye against the birds, lads?