Here Kev mate

Its well established what a dicktard you are but you are bordering on weirdo by now with your continous hounding of me not to mention you still attempting to organise a meeting with me a full 3 months after i lost interst in battering you and stumpy after i first offered you out.

Frankly i care not a jot when you are visiting Dublin mate, you are just another bogger up from the country with a deformed girlfriend in tow.
Likewise i care not one bit which end of Halldene Villas,The Rise, Bishopstown you reside in.

Please restrain from sending me your personal details, its a little weird and unsettling.

On a final note may i request you kindly Fuck Off and Die mate.

Best wishes as always.


Blue, fuck off from this thread it has nothing to do with you.

FFS Kev what have you been up to now? :unsure:



Oh, just that the DBP ignored my offer of meeting him for his proposed scrap when i was up for the KK game, he failed to show as i expected. Now he’s coming back trying to save some face.

In a PM he asked me for my address a number of months ago, so he could come down and batter me and my woman. I gave it to him, and told him to call anytime.

Still nothing. He is nothing, whoever he is. All talk.

Prawn badly exposed as a paper tiger prawn here.

Well done Kev mate. :clap:

No bother Kev. :wink:

…you wouldn’t have a spare ticket for the Cork/Down match would you…? :unsure:

I’d say Kev would give you a ticket Turenne but the problem is you probably wouldn’t find Croke Park.

Found it fine for the KK game Sid. :wink:

Got lost a bit around Summerhill on the way back alright though. :huh:

I always drop into the Sunset House post-match. A great spot. :pint: :clap:

I’ll keep you in mind, you’d be fairly safe going to the Burlington on the morning though, always extra Cork tickets there, i’vce never heard or seen of anyone not getting one who really wanted to go.

I was getting fairly worried today but played my trump card after the minor match. It worked a treat.

Which is?

An under 18 game.



Very low standard of quip.

Sid - What was your trick to get in?

Only got in around the area for 1:20 and was looking around for over an hour without success, was around Quinn’s then went up to the Big Tree, Gill’s and even back to Barry’s, all the usual spots. There was an awful lot of people looking. Very few touts had any and those that did were looking 250 for a stand ticket :lol:

Decided to throw caution to the wind and went into a shop and got a marker and a large brown envelope and made an “I need a ticket” sign. Got one in the beer garden of the Big Tree about a minute after the minor match finished.

The moral of the story is: brown envelopes will get you places.

:lol: I waited for 3 months to batter you and then you gave me 2 days notice when you know i post on here twice a month at best :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Next time you are in Dublin give me a weeks notice and we can arrange a meet up.
Bring stumpy.

You live in Dublin you dope, a day should be enough.

I’m giving you exactly 12 days notice this time.

Gates of Pheonix Park, North Circular Rd. entrance, 11.30, Sunday 19th.

Man up this time now will ya.