Here Kev mate

An unexpected and ballsy move out of left field by the Corkman has the Prawn on the ropes as it appeared he immediately logged off.

Kev has the Prawn running scared again.

A tremendous bluff call from Kev.


This has just got interesting.

Iā€™d be fairly confident that the Prawn would beat the shit out of Kevin.

But the Prawn appeared to immediately log off. The Prawn tends to do his talking in the later part of the afternoon so this is highly unusual. Could it be that heā€™s running scared? Kev has thrown the gauntlet firmly down, and right beside Oā€™Devaney Gardens, hostile territory for a Cork GAA supporter. This indicates that the southern raider is in a very confident mood.

If I wasnt abroad that day, I would definitely head along to the North Circular entrance of the Phoenix Park.

I should actually be in that general area at that time and day.
Iā€™m assuming the gate Kev is talking about is not far from Hueston Station?

Youā€™re a cross dresser? :o


Well you show more confidence in the guy than he shows in himself.

This is the 2nd time i have arranged this, he did not turn up the first time, and about a month later responded calling me a weirdo. Which is possibly true, but, heā€™s the guy been calling me out all along. Iā€™m pretty much not afraid of anyone, if he beats the shit out of me then fair enough, i have always accepted defeat with grace, but i hope he would stop being such a fucking pussy and man up for all his shit talk, because iā€™m very confident thats all it is. I like a good scrap every now and then, and an organised one between 2 men is alot fairer than some of the shit that can happen at 2am after a load of drink.

Remember, he started the thread, and he PMā€™d me looking for a fight. He even asked for my address, which i gave him.

Runt, we could go for a pint after?

Grand job, Iā€™ll actually be on the way home, unless things pan out that I can stay up for the final, Iā€™ll be trying to get back to Limerick in time to watch the match, but Iā€™m sure a swift one in Ned Reas would do no harm.

This is tremendous stuff from Kev. I doubted him before when he wouldnā€™t refund me my money over his miserable failure of a Cork county championship accumulator bet that I ploughed into, even after I went down to Cork to try and call him out and get my money back. Iā€™m still sore over that incident but canā€™t but admire his great Rebel fighting spirit here. Kev, Iā€™d be willing to call it evens if you buy me a pint after youā€™ve blown the Prawn out of the water on the 19th.

[quote=ā€œcaoimhaoin, post: 513577ā€]
Well you show more confidence in the guy than he shows in himself.

This is the 2nd time i have arranged this, he did not turn up the first time, and about a month later responded calling me a weirdo. Which is possibly true, but, heā€™s the guy been calling me out all along. Iā€™m pretty much not afraid of anyone, if he beats the shit out of me then fair enough, i have always accepted defeat with grace, but i hope he would stop being such a fucking pussy and man up for all his shit talk, because iā€™m very confident thats all it is. I like a good scrap every now and then, and an organised one between 2 men is alot fairer than some of the shit that can happen at 2am after a load of drink.

Remember, he started the thread, and he PMā€™d me looking for a fight. He even asked for my address, which i gave him.

Runt, we could go for a pint after?
[/quote] :smiley: Brilliant,fucking brilliant! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Cool, iā€™m looking forward to it.


We can regal about the good old days, even if we werenā€™t around. Iā€™ll buy all the rounds, i will have to make the start of the Minor game though.

The Castleknock gate of the Phoenix Park is not suitable for a Sunday morning brawl you absolute and utter cunt of a man. :rolleyes:

Turn back into the Park, to the left of the first roundabout there is a pond surrounded by a white fence, it is a small wooded area.
Iā€™ll see behind this pond at 11.45am.
I will be alone so im assuming you wont be arriving with half the population of turnip headed cunts from whatever shithole of a village you come from to back you up.
Stumpy excepted, bring the freak along for a laugh. Of course you mutants like to dress your birds in county colours when you come to Dublin :lol: :lol:

Stick to the puns you watery cunt.

Which ever one of you turns up needs to produce a photograph of the lake with a copy of the Sunday paper beside it.

Hey i call the shots, i gave the venue first, it suits me to be there afterwards, so be there you fucking pussy. 11.30, inside the gates.

FOAD Huckleberry

+1 mate.

+1 mate.


Its a pity you will miss this mate.

Sure youā€™ll be there to confirm wonā€™t you?

Either way, iā€™ll bring the paper.