Here Kev mate

:rolleyes: No, you canā€™t fight at the Castleknock gates you slackjaw. :smiley:

11.45 behind the pond, its a 5 minute walk from the gate .
You call no shots here im rearranging my morning to suit your travel arrangements.

I can do 11.30 this Sunday if that suits you.

I will be ramming whatever paper you bring down your fat neck.

Iā€™ll post a photograph on here when im finished with you.

Nobody ever suggested the Castleknock gate mate :rolleyes: Do you know Dublin?

Listen dipshit, are you going to be even able to find the Pheonix Park?

The North Circular Road you muppet.

The offer of this sunday indicated your already looking for a way out. :rolleyes:
When you donā€™t turn up the following sunday youā€™ll come on here trying to tell me i wasnā€™t there when you were there.

Stop wasting myself, Sids & Runts time now, 11.30 at the NORTH CIRCULAR ROAD ENTRANCE TO THE PHEONIX PARK. Iā€™ll allow you 10 minutes, then iā€™m going for pints with the lads.

This reminds me of the days back at school and the scraps that were held up at the pitch at lunchtime! Kev is landing massive e-punches already here!

If this happens this Sunday the 12th weā€™ll be able to head out to itā€¦

Dunph helping out the prawns pussy back out story. ā€œOh i wanted to meet you last sunday, boo hoo hoo hooā€ says the prawn.

Ya true,

Kev, Prawn, promoters would suggest ye hold this Super Sunday event on the 12th to increase ticket sales.

[quote=ā€œcaoimhaoin, post: 513591ā€]
Listen dipshit, are you going to be even able to find the Pheonix Park?

The North Circular Road you muppet.

The offer of this sunday indicated your already looking for a way out. :rolleyes:
When you donā€™t turn up the following sunday youā€™ll come on here trying to tell me i wasnā€™t there when you were there.

Stop wasting myself, Sids & Runts time now, 11.30 at the NORTH CIRCULAR ROAD ENTRANCE TO THE PHEONIX PARK. Iā€™ll allow you 10 minutes, then iā€™m going for pints with the lads.[/quote]

disappointing there from Kev, at least TDBP has the balls to show up on his own,
kev showing his first signs of bottling it hereā€¦

Hey, they is my 2nd time turning up, he was a no show already.

I awaited The Prawns response in this thread - he was under pressure.

And how he fucking delivered.


Iā€™m a cunt.

A real prick

Refreshing honesty from Famer :clap:

As an outsider, it appears that Kev is afraid to fight in the more secluded spot suggested by The Prawn. My belief is even stronger now that The Prawn would dispose of Kev quickly and without much fuss.

I was having a few pints last night when a creature came from the shadows in the smoking area, he called me over, as I approached he asked me what I thought was a strange question
ā€œWhat odds are you going on Cork Kev?ā€
I didnā€™t know what he was on about but he continuedā€¦
ā€œMe and the lads from the town think heā€™ll batter the prawn Sunday weekā€
Battered prawns sounded good to me at that hour, so I nodded and smiled, thinking of those juicy battered prawns, he said he would be back tonight to see my book on whatever it was he wanted.

It is only now that I go through this thread I see what this creature was talking about and I am compelled to price it up for him. Early indications of how the market is going make it, 4/5 Kev 5/2 Prawn and 1/12 No Show from either party. It seems there are many men interested in events from here.

Give me 5k to 2k on the Prawn pleaseā€¦

You want to wire the money?


You want to take the 5/2 or not?

What odds on either no show no bet

Itā€™s in the post above, 1/12 on a no show from either party