Here Kev mate

Appropriate that this is going to take place at the top of Infirmary Road as it looks like the Prawn will be heading for the infirmary in an ambulance straight afterwards. Looks like All-Ireland Final day wonā€™t be a total waste for Cork people after all.

It strikes me that Kevin is running scared from fighting at the more secluded pond, as suggested by The Prawn. It suggests that heā€™s fearful and wants to be in the view of the general public at the outside gate because heā€™s wary of getting a battering. This certainly wonā€™t end well for Kevin.

Looking forward to Kev making clean shit of the Prawn,Prawn you are a cock sucking biatch whoā€™s time around here is up! :guns:

In some ways you canā€™t blame the Prawn for wanting as few people as possible to see him get burst open. Unfortunately for him the venue has been set down clearly in advance. Having dodged the fight once already, he just looks like a complete pussy now.

theres that factor alright- then there is also the worry that the DBP is someone with a multi username & doesnt exists. kev goes out of his way on sunday morning & to find a pond & there is no one there- what a waste of a sunday morning


Itā€™s a genuine risk for kev alright. I feel he should turn up anyway just to make sure.

This thought has certainly crossed my mind, but seeing as iā€™m coming into Hueston anyway its not too much of a trip. Hopefully iā€™ll get a pint or two in with sid if nothing else. It was about 20 mins the last time.

The fact that said prawn thought he was going to Castleknock entrance tells alot as well. Might well be some gobshite like wtb or mac. Anyway, weā€™ll see. If people happen to know who the mutli user is, well then they are going to think he is a complete pussy anyway. Something has to give.

Surely NCC is DBP? :huh:

He swears heā€™s not. If it is ncc there is no way heā€™d show, heā€™s too wary for that.

why would i have a multiuser name with the exact same opinions that i have- it seems pointless

if i had a multiusername i would be a lot more covert- ask the cisco kid- heā€™ll back me up


All joking aside how are you going to prove you were there?

If youā€™ve no proof heā€™ll just keep hounding you saying he was there and you werenā€™t. Thereā€™s only one way to put an end to this.
I reckon post a pic on someoneā€™s iphone as soon as you get to the gates showing a couple of that days papers. That would suffice. Time would be on the post and Sunday papers will tell photo could only have been taken that day. Obviously you could have been there earlier that morning but it will be as good as weā€™ll get and I reckon will finally put the issue to bed in most peopleā€™s eyes.


Come on Kev - DBP is much more humorous and interesting than I could ever be

true, sad reflection on your dopey ass though.

whoever opened the book,

lucky 15,

kev at the gate, no picture.
gola at the pond, no picture.
sid to post first picture from the gate.
prawn into hiding.

You got an iphone Kev?

Kev you better be careful sid could be the prawn, lull you into a false sense of security then bang

gimp with spotty face with inane post sunday morning 1/2

[quote=ā€œnorth county corncrake, post: 513666ā€]
gimp with spotty face with inane post sunday morning 1/2
[/quote] :lol: I actually couldnā€™t stop laughin at that one! :clap: