Here Kev mate

I just want to wish the Prawn the best of luck in case i’m not around much between now and Sunday.

Very very true.

just live around the corner from this seismic event, cant fooking wait :pint:

I hear Grainne and Des are dedicating half an hour to this during their show on Saturday night, a little piece titled ‘Up For The Fight’. Special guests include Sid and Dunph while the weigh in between Kev and DBP will also be featured.


I am going home with Grainne. :pint: :barcasmile:

Grainne doesn’t go home with the side-kick, she goes home with the winner of this battle.

Nah, they can have Sile, leaving me with the main prize.


So whats the story with this? Is it all sorted?

As Julio says, we need an independant adjudicator, someone both parties can contact at the appropriate time to ensure they both make it to the correct place.

Is it Queensbury rules, or girly scratching and biting? I can see the tension building from here, can’t believe I’m going to miss this, you lucky bastards, in years to come, you can all say you were there. Well, maybe not DBP.

I’m happy to act as an independent adjudicator of who has turned up and who hasn’t. I’ve had business dealings with Kev in the past and found him courteous, efficient and professional. Prawn is more of an enigma to me but I like the cut of his jib. I genuinely believe we will have at least one person turning up for this fight which is just great news for all of TFK.

Rocko should you turn up are you in a position to facilitate a webcast?

I believe Sky have acquired the broadcast rights from Rocko.

I suggest one of those KPMG auditor types who post here should attend to sign off on events. Actually no, that’s a very bad idea if we want an accurate account of what happens. Forget I ever wrote this, please.

DBP is one of those auditor types.

How’s this shaping up?

A clusterfuck.

Are you retarded? Its quite simple,

11.30; North Circular Road entrance to Pheonix Park. Now if you want to turn up at 11.15 then i would get great pleasure in boxing the head off of you too, and breaking those fingers so you might leave this place alone for a while.


Look up cliusterfuck and return via another thread. This one belongs to the prawn.

Meeting lads from the internet. :lol: I have better things to be at.

And we’re done.

The saddest part of all is that this thread has actually made it to 7 pages. :rolleyes: