HIIT/Circuits/Weights Goals 2021

A thread for non running related fitness ideas (running ok if sprints) and goals

Cc @Spidey @KinvarasPassion

I want to get back to equal my chin up PB of 28 this year.


In 25 minutes time approximately. I’m gonna do 20 squats holding a 6kg kettle bell as that’s all I have, 20 lunges with the same kettlbell. 20 pushups and 20 bentover rows using a light band I have. I’ll do 3 circuits in total.

By August I want to be back benching 100kg and squatting 140kg

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If you hold the kettle bell upside down by the handle and do

10 Bulgarian rear foot elevated split squats each leg for four sets

You’ll get a great LEG and CORE work out

Like this but just the one kettle bell overhead and inverted

I’ve a 14kg one. Yesterday evening I did 20 goblet squats, 20 RDLs, 20 glute bridges, and 30 sit ups; four rounds.

I’m shagged today. I’ve a shoulder impingement for months that is taking a long time to resolve and not being able to exercise as I would otherwise has caused me to lose all motivation, but I’m starting back.

I’m going to go do a round of core exercises now.

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I couldn’t buy anything heavier last summer as everything was sold out… I just haven’t got round to it this year …I’m hoping gyms open up next month so I don’t have to

Have you tried pistol squats? Great satisfaction out of them if you can nail them.

Deadlift 200kg
Bench 110kg
Squat anything without my back exploding
Overhead press the two 37.5kg dumbbells I bought recently (seated).

I always thought kettlebells were a gimmick but in the last month I’ve bought an 18kg one and a 28kg competition one. Unreal exercise and much needed cardio for me. Swings are a brilliant exercise

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Serious going. What weight are you?

I’m well north of 100kg now.

I do fuck all cardio though. Like, I dont do anything like the rounds you do. I’d maybe do sets of 15 swings every minute, then similar with the goblet squats.

Usually I take a slow, heavy approach to training so the KB has at least allowed me to mix it up a bit

I was doing great stuff first lockdown around. Nailing handstand push-ups and all. I’m gone to shit now. It’ll be three months minimum before I can do anything upper body, if even then. I’m convinced working from home over a laptop was the cause of the injury, so you’re right, lockdowns do more harm than good.

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I haven’t done a tap in a year really :persevere:

Fucking hell that’s some weight to be lifting. How many reps of overhead presses are you doing?

I can’t do any of it right now it’s a goal. I can get 5-6 reps with two 32.5kg Dumbells

I’m doing 5 x 10 at the moment for 4 sets. Mix it up between squats, overhead presses, rows, bicep curls, tricep curlsand then press ups. A HIIT session every Monday morning then 4 weights sessions during the week. Better than nothing but can’t wait to get back to the gym. Nowhere near those weights though.


I tend to do lower reps and lots of sets, working my way up in weights.

I’d been living in the gym for most of 2019, and when I could in 2020. I’d say I miss them more than pubs at this stage

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2018 was my peak gym experience… Then I had to go and have a kid in 2019 and that was that.

I was squatting 200kg
Deads 160kg
Bench 110ishkg

I can barely lift my knob now.


200kg is an enormous squat. Once I get close to 100 my back goes all Cork in an All Ireland semi final and just implodes. I botch out now and do hack squats and leg press mainly.

Bit odd having a squat so far ahead of your deadlift? Most people would be the opposite.

The deadlift was the one that got my back unless I did sumo lifts… I wont be going that heavy in squats or any weight again. Medium weight and lots of reps. It’s no coincidence that my back hast gone since I was last at the gym last summer.

I had savage back problems resulting from a bad car accident. Getting my deadlift sorted completely cured them. I absolutely love deadlifting now.