Holiday destinations for the accompanied traveller

As seedy as you want it to be really. V easy to avoid it. Fantastic safe place to visit

Enough for 3 days/nights. Not a pub city though it has a few. Lots of atin houses, great walking, easy get to, beaches in city and easy to take a bus out to another town for half a day.

Spent 5 days there last new year and had a great time with fine dry weather.

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Lisbon is a great city for a weekend visit.


Agreed - has the only aquarium I have ever been to in it. I enjoyed it.

The tram around the old town is class.

I got rightly stung by a waiter who saw me coming. Mugged me off good and proper.

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How the fuck do you change a thread title?

Something to do with aquariums :nerd_face:

Were you stung for a few squid?

Porto is decent.

€200 notes for a lunch

The food was unreal but he done me like a kipper

Better than that. Savage beach and bar/pool/padel options. The pride of Fingal

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Anoyone been to eurocamp Bella Italia in Lake Garda.

@Spidey will do you a nice write up definitely


If i fly ever again, this is the way to do it

Nice spot.

I’ve been doing that for years.

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Its great for your mental health

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I’ve done it on 11 hour flights numerous times. Just stare at the flight map for the duration. I know the flight map off by heart now.

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Too late for pilot school?

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I’d have failed the medical.

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