Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

Wow, you’d have to say that Una is having the last laugh here with a procession of middle aged men on an obscure sports forum strongly considering having sex with her

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You would wear it or she would? A man can only go so far.

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As beautiful as she is talented

Oh let’s be quite clear here - she would be wearing it.


By god



I think she be delighted with that.

I expect her album sales to skyrocket.

Muddargawd it’s even better in the moving pictures

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Waaaheey!! Just the shirt I imagined an all!
The Finches kit came to mind but all I could think of was poor Bobby Ryan v Jackson in the '93 semi

Jaysus, she has a small window to maximise her earnings lads. She isnt doing porn and she isnt even showing a tit. Some of you lads are living in the 60s

How does she make a crust? Genuine question. Do you get revenue from Instagram clicks alone?

By being absolutely savage looking! I think I remember reading in The Star that she turned down a marriage proposal from Mick Jagger or one of those old bastards in her Saturdays pomp.

How does she convert it to money? It’s clear it’s not album sales. So how does it convert to cash for her?

David Haye hardly paid her a lorry load of cash; I’d say that was a tommer/nixer?

Im sure she charges appearance fees and she does a country and western radio show. Plus the more followers on Instagram the more attractive she is to sponsors.

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People will give you money to advertise on social media based on followers. How do youtubers make money for example.

They have to stay relevant. It’s an awful way to make a living.

Its better than porn or showing a tit on page 3 though


Clicks alone bring in revenue. Product endorsement added to that


Exactly. You sell yourself for clicks.

Its not rational to me but its 2023. She’s beautiful and is maximising her earnings in a way thats not completely degrading. Fair fucks to her

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Dont know how anyone does it? Having to keep making content to stay relevant. Must be exhausting

It will lead to a lot of broken down 40 year olds. Chews you up and spits you out. You’re forgotten after your last content drop